Eight - End of Term

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In the last couple of weeks of term, Bakugo and Ren found every opportunity they could to sneak time together. After the first night they slept together, it was too obvious if they went to each other's rooms. The easiest place for them to meet up was in the laundry room in the basement.

They would coordinate times to do their washing, and sit together while they waited. There was a small storage closet in the laundry room that became their secret spot for making out, hand stuff and the occasional up against the wall fuck. The more they did it the better they got, so in turn they wanted to do it more.

There were only so many times a week they could do laundry without it being weird, so they did have to risk meeting in each other's rooms once or twice a week. They saved that luxury for the weekends when the dorms were less populated and Aizawa would go out for hero work.

However, they weren't as sneaky as they liked to think they were. Uraraka had noticed the faded purplish-red marks a couple of days after Bakugo had gifted them to her during their first night together while they were in the locker rooms getting changed. Ren had tried a maybe little too hard to convince the girls they were bruises from training and side effects from her quirk. Uraraka was innocent enough to believe her, Yaoyorozu was concerned it may have been a skin issue and offered her ridiculously expensive night cream, Ashido bombarded her with questions about boys and who'd she'd been making out with, Hagakure simply commented that she bet she wished she was invisible now, Jiro couldn't care less and Tsu simply quirked a knowing brow at Ren. Suffice it to say, she was very careful about keeping her neck hidden until they were gone.

There was another instance when Bakugo and Ren had met early on a Sunday morning in his room. It didn't take long for them to both be on the floor, butt naked and going at it, hard. Bakugo had Ren's legs raised up to his shoulders, they were both dripping with sweat and panting heavily as he rocked back and forth roughly, the sweet smell of caramel filling the room, when there came a knock at his door.

"Hey, Bakugo, what are you doing?" Kirishima asked sheepishly from behind his dorm room door.

Bakugo panted and gripped Ren's ankles tightly. She held her hands over her mouth to stop any sounds of her moaning escaping. "I'm... uh.. Busy!" Bakugo yelled between pants at Kirishima. "Working out."

"Can I come in, dude? I'm so bored..." Kirishima rattled Bakugo's door handle.

"I'm fucking right now!" He yelled at him to ensure he'd stop his whining. His voice caught in his throat when he realised his order of wording. Ren snorted.

"W-What?" Kirishima questioned.

"I said I'm FUCKING BUSY right now!" Bakugo exploded. "Get your shitty hair outta your ears and then maybe you'll hear better!"

"Oh.... That's what I thought you said..." Kirishima stepped away from the door awkwardly.

Bakugo turned back to Ren, who was still trying and failing to contain her laughter. "Shut up, Freckles." He growled at her.

Sometimes they would meet up in the laundry room and just talk. The plan would be to get physical but then one of them would mention something and a conversation would spiral for hours on end. They texted all the time. Sometimes Bakugo would send Ren a cheeky 'what're you wearing?' during breaks at school, even though they could see each other. She'd always chuckle and send back something equally sarcastic like 'a real sexy schoolgirl outfit, wanna see?' and he'd laugh too.

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