Forty-Three - Spring Festival Interrupted

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I-I need to tell her something important.

and I-

I don't want to wait anymore.


"18... 19... 20... Where is Kaminari?!" Iida asked at the collection of people in front of him, leaning up on his toes as he observed over the heads of their group, then dropping down to try and catch him out between bodies.

"Relax, man." Kirishima mumbled as he stepped up to their class rep, who now had a single bead of sweat appearing next to his glasses. "He probably just got distracted by a vending machine."

"The train arrives in two minutes!" Iida thrust aside the exaggerated sleeve of his yukata so he could hold his watch up to Kirishima's face.

Kirishima dodged just before Iida's wrist could slap him in the face. A watch to the eye wouldn't be a pleasant way to start the day.

"Oh no! Now, where has Bakugo gone?!"

"Poor Iida," Tsu sighed. "Even on a day off he won't loosen up." 

Uraraka giggled and Ren shook her head.

"Even if we are on break, we still represent UA, and must act accordingly to uphold the school's reputation!" Uraraka mimicked Iida's formal tone, her mouth forming a stiff rectangular shape as she moved her hands about robotically.

Ren laughed again. "Bless him, he cares." She sighed as she wiped the corner of her eye, looking on as Iida demonstrated exact moves that Uraraka had mimicked as he probably explained the same thing to Kirishima.

The redhead was slowly trying to back away, glancing around for help or support from anyone who'd give it to him. The train pulled into the station, only making Iida freak out more now that he was missing two from his count.

"Relax before you blow an engine." Bakugo grumbled as he rounded the corner with Kaminari's head tucked under one of his arms. "The moron short-circuited when he tried to fry a vending machine to get a free snack."

"Wheeeeey..." Kaminari held two thumbs up, smiling blankly beneath Bakugo's hold.

"Of course he did." Jiro snorted behind her hand as she held back a laugh. "Idiot."

Kirishima and Sero directed the empty headed Kaminari into the carriage, finding a spot where their squad of five could squeeze in together and monitor him until he came out of his daze.

Ren glanced over at their group occasionally throughout the duration of the train ride. Mainly because she couldn't stop staring at Bakugo's attempt at a bun situated at the back top of his head. Kirishima's was pretty good, a few strands of red hair falling to frame his face and around the back of his neck, Sero's was almost perfect and the top half of Kaminari's hair was pulled back into a bun while the rest lay flat.

Sure, Bakugo's hair had certainly gotten a little longer. He probably hadn't had a haircut since the summer so he thought he'd be able to achieve some semblance of a bun to go with their tradition dress, but his hair was too damn disobedient.

Midoriya noticed she'd been staring at the other group, and asked Ren something she had to have him repeat from not paying attention.

"What're you getting Kacchan for his birthday?"

"Okay." Ren clasped her hands together and took a deep breath. "The idiot won't tell me when it is, every time I ask he just brushes me off; saying it doesn't matter cause it's already passed."

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