Twelve - Granny B

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You know what I said to his mother when you beat him? He's gonna marry this one.


Bakugo gave Ren his home address that Friday night, asking her to meet him there on Saturday morning. He went home home on Friday night, something he didn't do very often. Ren went home too that morning before she had to meet Bakugo. She had to double check with Aizawa before she left and sign a form noting the time she was leaving and the time she was returning.

Ren pulled out a summer dress from the back of her cupboard. A simple white dress with little blue flowers embroidered into it that flowed to just below her knees. It had little flouncy sleeves that covered her shoulders and white buttons trailed down the back. She paired it with sandals and clipped half of her hair back. She wanted to make use of the warm weather that was slipping away.

She punched in Bakugo's address and drove there to arrive a couple of minutes before the designated time. She found a parking spot close to his house and stepped out of the car. The houses on this street were large and extravagant, Bakugo never mentioned his family was wealthy. Ren scanned the street numbers before her eyes fell on the right one, a large house with curved roofing.

Ren waited outside the house's large walls. It was 9:44, one minute before his strict specified time. She could hear yelling coming from inside the house.

"DON'T FORGET THE LOAVES, KATSUKI!" It was a woman's voice, strong and shrill. With a temper like that, it could only be his mother.

"SHUT UP HAG! I DID IT EVERY WEEK DIDN'T I?!" She heard Bakugo's voice responding to his mother's. He sounded closer than she was. Bakugo pulled the front door open, an irritated expression already plastered onto his face.

"Say hi to her for me." A gentle male voice called out to Bakugo.

"Yeh, I will." He grumbled and closed the door behind him. Bakugo sighed. 9:45 ticked over. Ren had never seen him dressed this put together. He wore light wash jeans with a white button up shirt, with all the buttons done up, and leather boots. He was carrying a basket with a tea towel over it, she could only assume those were the loaves. He looked good.

"Hey." Ren said quietly as he approached her. "You look nice." She mumbled.

"Yeah, thanks. So do you." Bakugo strutted past her down the path. "Come on, train leaves at 10."

"Um. Bakugo." He stopped with a little jolt, she hadn't used his last name in months, why now? Girls are so hard to get. He turned around to face Ren. She held up her hand and clicked a little remote. Across the road, he saw car lights flash on and off.

They climbed into her car and Bakugo punched the address into her navigation system. It was a quiet drive until Ren turned her radio on. Then it was just quiet from lack of conversation. Bakugo tapped his fingers on his leg to the beat, enjoying Ren's foreign music. They drove until they reached the far less urban suburbs. Homes that were smaller, more traditional, and had substantial gardens dotted the green landscape. Ren pulled into the gravel driveway of one of these small houses surrounded by bamboo and oak trees.

The air was sweeter and fresher out here too. "Are you ever gonna tell me what's going on?" Ren asked as they walked to the steps leading to the front door.

"You're about to find out." Bakugo mumbled back and knocked on the door a few times.

They heard a click and the door swung open to reveal a small old woman. "Katsuki!" She exclaimed excitedly and held her hands up towards him.

"Hi Granny." He said with a broad smile. He gave her a hug and she kissed his cheeks repetitively.

"My beautiful boy it's been too long!" She tapped his shoulders.

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