Forty-Nine - Ren's Summer

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I won't bite.

Not unless you ask.


Ren healed completely within a matter of days after her brother stabbed her in the side. She spent most of her time out of commission knocked out on pain killers or the occasional icy back and forth with Dabi. He visited her more than she liked, and she often caught him reading a book in the same dark leather armchair when she was phasing in and out of a doze.

At least it gave her something to do when he was around but as she got better, and spent less of her time sleeping, his visits became less frequent. She guessed it was because of her returning strength, and he no longer had to oh so nobly "watch over her" and "keep the real unwanted visitors away".

After Ren had very quickly blazed through the small selection of DVDs they had available for her to watch on a portable player, and she was well enough to begin wondering around, she explored the small area she was confined to of the mysterious mansion. There was a dining hall and the living room she was stabbed in that other members of the league filtered in and out of, as well as a recreation room with a pool table, some books and a slightly larger selection of DVDs. There was also a gym and a training hall but she hardly ever saw anyone use either.

None of the rooms had windows and no one really spoke to her other than the occasional minion updating her on the mission to locate her father. She'd occasionally spy her brother but as soon as he'd catch her eye he'd disappear into a room she wasn't allowed to go into or through a set of doors she couldn't access.

If she didn't have a reason to be there, she'd regret her decision purely based on how bored she was.

One night after her wound had almost closed, Ren managed to pry the location of Dabi's room out of Toga. As much as his watchful eye had bothered her, he was probably the only person she mildly enjoyed speaking to. Or maybe it was because he was like, the only person who spoke to her.

Ren couldn't tell if it was day or night when the living quarters grew quiet. The false lights, lack of windows and any connection to the outside world made her prison feel like it lived in its own dimension. She tapped on a door Toga had described to her when the hallway was deserted, and hoped that it wasn't the crazy blonde who'd answer.

After a few seconds, the large door was peeled open, and she was shocked to be greeted by Dabi.

Well, not just Dabi.

Dabi with his face painted by a dark grey face mask, his hair sectioned and pinned with dye at the roots and a dark fluffy robe tied at the waist.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a forced polite tone.

"Ah..." Ren glanced him up and down. "Self care evening?"

"If you haven't noticed, I'm covered in these big patches of burnt skin. If I don't hydrate, the skin tightens and constricts against my muscles. It's not exactly comfortable."

Ren nodded slowly. "I'll come back later." She turned away and hastened down the hall.

"What do you want, Arakawa?" Dabi called after her, making her skin crawl at the name. She paused.

"I'm- bored." She said turning back to him.

Dabi glanced behind his shoulder into his room. "Want a sheet mask?" He asked pointing at his painted face.

This can't be real.

"Yeah, okay." Ren mumbled as she walked back to his door.

Dabi stepped to the side, holding the door wide enough to let her pass. She expected a mess, a room half destroyed with clothing strewn across the floor, furniture pulverised or burnt to ash, cigarette butts littering the carpet and crumpled up takeaway bags.

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