Fifty - Dabi's Summer

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Can you help me pull my pants back on?


"Its gonna hurt."

"I've done it before."

Dabi closed the door to his room behind them, locking it with a soft click.

"Not with me."

"I'm a big girl, Dabi." Ren turned to face him. "I can handle it."

Dabi gave Ren a once over, glancing her up and down as the cogs slowly turned in his head.

"You sure you wanna do this?"

"Yes. I asked."

"Okay." He rubbed his scarred chin a few times, resting his other hand on his hip as he sighed.

"Should I stay standing or..?"

"I think you'll take it better laying down."

Ren stepped back until the back of her legs found the edge of his bed. She sunk down onto the mattress, keeping her eyes on his.

"Shirt off." Dabi commanded as he stepped towards her.

"W-What?" Ren stammered.

"Oh I'm sorry, was that too forward?" He asked as he pulled back the sleeves of his black shirt. "Did you want me to burn it off?"

Ren sucked in her cheeks as she stared up at Dabi. He quirked a brow as he watched her watching him.

"Fine." Ren sighed as she tugged at the bottom of her shirt. She pulled it off in a swift movement before dropping it next to her. Dabi stepped closer again, his eyes darting down to her chest peaking out from her soft bra.

"Really?!" Ren's arms shot across her chest.

Dabi rolled his eyes. "I'm a guy."

"And I'm only 18!"

"Well... That-" He rested his hands on his hips and gave her a once over again. "That doesn't make it... Less desirable for m-"

"Oh, god." Ren snapped up her shirt and held it over her chest. "Moving on, please."

"Pants next." He motioned to her legs.

"I thought you were meant to have good accuracy." Ren muttered as she shimmied the top of her sweatpants down. She peeled them to sit just below her underwear before she leant back on the mattress with the shirt still draped over her chest and legs now dangling over the side of the bed.

Dabi loomed over Ren, resting a hand beside her on the mattress before he flicked the inked 'nine' on her hip. She strained her neck up to glare at him.

"When you're ready." He rasped, his eyes shooting up to lock with hers.

"I'm ready."

Dabi ran a finger over her inked skin, sending a shiver through Ren's entire being. She dropped her head back into the mattress, gnawing on the inside of her cheek and wiggling her toes repeatedly. Her breath had been steady up to this point but now she could barely finishing a breath out before needing to take another sharp inhale. Dabi ignited two of his fingers before he pressed them into the tattoo.

"F-fuck!" Ren immediately shot back up but Dabi's other hand snapped to her shoulder to keep her in place. "SHIT! Stop, stop!"

She threw her head back as her skin seared under Dabi's fingers, the insufferable blinding pain stabbing and melting her skin at the same time.

"Fuck, fuck, I need a break! Stop, please!"

"It'll be worse if I stop and start again, trust me." His grip tightened on her shoulder when she tried to reach for the hand burning against her hip. "Just a few more seconds."

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