Thirteen - Origin

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The Doctor? Please. Doctor's heal people, not break them.


The kitchen led out to the back porch overlooking Granny's magnificent and peaceful garden. So that's where Bakugo and Ren went to sit down, letting their bare feet swing over the edge of the old wood. Ren tried to take deep breaths and calm her racing heart. She hadn't spoken to anyone about it since the authorities brought her back to Japan, and it felt strange trying to align every event in her brain to tell the story. Thoughts and memories already stung her brain and made her eyes water, but this was Bakugo she was telling, and if there was anyone she wanted to tell; it was him.

"I was born in Tokyo to my mother, my father, two big brothers and two big sisters. My mother came from a wealthy family of powerful water quirk users and my father was a quirkless scientist who worked in the quirk research field. He was a genius. I remember being young, very young, and happy. My brothers and sisters all had the same quirk or some variation of as my mom, water control. It manifested the earliest in me, and from that early age I had really good control. Natural talent I guess... Aha..." She chuckled awkwardly.

"I think that's when my dad snapped. He started pontificating about how through research, he could close the gap for the 20% of the population without quirks, about how he could make quirks stronger. My father started training my siblings and I whenever he got home from work. I just remember being so tired all the time, I wanted to rest and play like a normal kid. Go to school and do homework like a normal kid not... Train and take extra classes, eat a crazy diet and sleep weird hours. My oldest brother, Kai, stood up to my father once. Let's just say, no one ever stood up to him again after what he did to him.

It drove my mother mad. She threatened to turn my father in to the police or the heroes, or anyone who would listen and believe her. But my father is a dastardly and clever man. He made her believe she was seeing things, going crazy. She didn't know what to believe- Him or her own twisted thoughts. She lost grip of reality, and so when I was 7, my mother took her own life. My father succeeded in silencing the one person who might speak up.

He was good at pretending to be sad, too, the sociopathic piece of shit. When my mother's large inheritance came in, we moved to the States. The crime rate there was so much higher than here that it would be easy for my father to blend into the normal crowd. He began working for the United States government, in one of their top secret quirk research facilities. He made a fortune on top of what he'd already gotten from my mother. We bought a house in the quiet and wealthy suburbs outside of Los Angeles. And my father built his lab in the basement. That's when the experiments begun.

First, it was Kai. My father had researched and devised a serum that could force the body into manifesting multiple quirks at once while strengthening the one it already had. Kai was his first test subject, and his first failure. The serum manifested so powerfully in my brother that it destroyed his body from the inside out. It was a painful death.

Then it was my oldest sister, Erika. She lasted a few days longer than Kai. She even manifested another quirk, telekinesis, before her body shut down too. His second attempt and his second failure. The rest of us continued with our rigorous training while we awaited our fate. He brainwashed us into thinking this was normal, that this was how soldiers were born.

Hanna was next. She cut her own wrists a few weeks after he injected her. I was the one who found her, I was 10 at the time... Before she bled out, she told me I was the one who would stop him, I was the one who had to bring him to justice. When she died, I didn't even cry. Death felt like an old friend by then. After Hanna, his third attempt and third failure, my father took to more drastic measures. He would adopt children off the streets to use as test subjects. He was running out of his own goddamn children.

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