Forty-Eight - Session Three

473 22 5

TW: pills


Sh- She's here?

Ren's here?


Kazuko wrapped up a pattern she'd been tapping on her notepad for the last thirty seconds, inhaling a deep sigh before she cleared her throat.

"You're quiet today, Katsuki? We're-" She glanced at her watch. "Eight minutes into our hour and you haven't said anything other than a bleak hello."

Bakugo didn't make eye contact with her. He stayed staring at the empty coffee table between her seat and the couch, barely shifting an eyebrow as acknowledgment.

"No wins this week?"


"I like your haircut."

A single nod, eyes still fixed on the table.

"How's your work study going?"

Kazuko clicked her tongue softly out of frustration before she readjusted her glasses.

"Any fun summer plans?"

"It was Ren's birthday this week." He finally said as he glanced up at her. "I'm sorry I just, really don't feel like talking."

"If you didn't want to talk, wouldn't you have just cancelled?" Kazuko asked.

He shook his head. "That would've freaked my folks out too much."

"I don't want to pressure you but as long as you're here, don't you think it might be worth getting whatever's on your mind out?"

Bakugo swallowed.

"I guess I thought it would be over by now. Her being gone. I guess there was this part of me that thought she'd come home for her 18th birthday, you know? But now I- I don't know if she even made it to 18."

"What do you mean?"

He opened his mouth but the words caught in his throat. Tears pricked his eyes and his nose felt cold.

"Oh." Kazuko said quietly.

He sniffed, wiping at his eyes quickly.

"I can't help feeling it's my fault."


"I know. I know what you're going to say but," He took a deep breath, trying his best to calm his nerves. "If this is reality, if this is just how things are now, not a day will go by where I won't wonder what would've happened if I'd just said it to her. If I'd had been stronger from the start. Not pussying out on dumb shit or important shit."

"I don't believe in retrospective thinking." Kazuko said as-matter-of-factly. "I think it's damaging and proves no worth if we can't learn from it but just this once I'll indulge you. Because I know what you want to say but after months of seeing me about this girl, you still haven't said it."

Kazuko placed her notepad beside her before she adjusted herself in her seat, moving to edge and leaning on her knees to intently stare at Bakugo.

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