Ten - The Return

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His ninth attempt, first success, he called me. A success?! I'm broken.


The start of semester crept up on them a lot faster than they were expecting. As happy as it made Ren to have a home she could return to outside of school hours, it was nice to be back at Heights Alliance with the whole class. So many of them were able to do work studies over the summer break, and had plenty of stories to share. It made her jealous.

"CHI-NA-MI!" She heard Iida's voice echoing in the classroom. She turned to see him charging towards her and Uraraka. "Get. Off. Of. The. DESK!" He thrust his straightened hand towards her.

Ren and Uraraka exchanged a glance before she hoped off and sat on her seat. Bakugo sent her a message.

Nice legs, hop on my desk maybe?

She glanced at him leaning back in his chair with his feet on his table. Iida had given up trying to tell him off. Aizawa rolled, literally rolled in his sleeping bag, into class, dictating the start of home room. "Welcome back." He mumbled as he unzipped himself. "I trust you all had a good summer?"

"Yeah!" The class responded.

"Good. Couple of things. Just a reminder that you've been offered to spend a week or two in Okinawa. The hero on the island is a big advocate for educating the younger generations, so he's invited the class. It's not compulsory but I recommend you take part. That'll be in September."

"Woohoo!" Ashido exclaimed and leapt up in her seat. "Can't wait."

"Ugh." Aizawa sighed. "Let's get onto your test results from last semester. Your written exams and physical exams have been graded and compared to one another. We've got new ratings for all of you." He waved his papers about next to him.

"Alright!" Ashido leapt up again and threw her fist into the air.

"What are you so excited about? Last year you were ranked 19th." Kaminari chuckled.

"Yeah, and you were 20th!" Sero pointed at him. "You were last!"

Kaminari leant back in his chair and smirked. "Well I hate to break it ya but 20th isn't last place anymore. There's 21 of us now." He pointed behind him at Ren's desk in the back corner.

"You think I'm gonna be lower than you, Pikachu?" Ren folded her arms and narrowed her eyes at the electric fool.

"Can you all shut up so I can hear I'm in first place?" Bakugo rocked back on his seat and glared at the rest of the class. His crimson eyes glanced over to Ren, giving her a cheeky smirk from his upside-down position.

"You wish." She mouthed at him.

"Yes, please shut up." Aizawa mumbled to his class and rubbed his temples. "Let's go from lowest ranking to highest for dramatic effect, shall we?" He gave the class his iconic sinister grin. "21st place..." Aizawa stared dead into Kaminari's eyes.

"Oh maaaaan...." He slumped against his folded arms on his desk.

Hagakure snorted. Ashido burst into a fit of laughter. Kirishima grabbed Kaminari's shoulders and rocked them back and forth. "What was that about not coming last?"

"Alright, you idiots, settle down. Your physical exam results were pretty good, Kaminari. However, your written exam brought you down... Again." Aizawa's eyebrows flicked up for a second. "Aoyama you're in 20th place. Your written exam hasn't improved much from last year but your physical brought you down. Your work on your quirk has certainly improved, you just have to keep up with the curveballs we throw."

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