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Inspired by /melanie Martinez's\
(The bakery) 🍰

[I based daeun on me, and jimin on my cousin who is also my best friend. Well not like on us cause like obviously the things that happen to them haven't happened to us, but the way they act and are. Is based on the way we act and are. And the facts about them in here, are facts about us. She's been bugging me about this for a while. We're really fucking close, she's literally like a sister and most definitely my best friend. 🎶we ain't got no friends🎶 *starts repeating that and jamming*. But who needs friends, we're each other's best friends.

I haven't talked to my friend group in months...because they turned out to be fake ass bitches. I mean like deep down i knew they were, just like every other teenage girl with their friend group. But we always decide to ignore it. When you really shouldn't, i find myself much happier without they're blobfish looking asses. So yeah ✨moral of the story✨. Listen to your gut if you know your friend group is shittier then dog shit.🤠]

So yeah technically the whole point of this one shot is for the people who read my one shots to know more about me in more detail.

Okay i'ma shut up now.


"You know i miss the old days, where all you had to do was walk up to another five year and go 'hey wanna be friends' and you'd automatically receive a simple 'yes'. Now you actually have to start conversation. . .now that's just bullshit."

I sigh sitting down on one of the chairs. "It's your fault for being stupid, she was not onto at all. And it was painfully obvious." Daeun gave me a glare.

"Yes she was you just weren't paying attention to the interaction" she said while walking over and plopping herself down in the chair in front of me, with a cupcake in hand.

"You poor thing, if she hasn't cought on by the seconds pick up line. It's a lost cause." She bit into her cupcake paying no mind to my words. But has she ever. No. The answer is no.

"Plus i think it does you some good to be rejected here and there. You flirt with every person you find attractive, get a fucking life daeun." She looked at me.

"You want some" huh the very rare 3 occasions a year where she shares her food. Very nice of her. "Sure" she broke a piece of the chocolatey cupcake and proceeded to put it in her mouth.

"No, i meant do you want my zero fucks to give. Cause i got a lot of those, i can share if you want." There she was. I took a deep heavy breath as she snickered in front of me.

"No but like really i think i did pretty good. If i had to say so myself, which i do." Clueless. Clueless i tell you.

"Sure you did daeun, sure you did. Why are were you flirting with her anyways. Don't you have something with that one guy who you were also flirting with last week by the way." Why am i friends with her again?

"It's called a one night stand jimin. You sure you know what that is? Wouldn't wanna mess up anything in that air filled brain of yours." This bitch. "I'm offended." She chuckled  standing up.

"Suck it up. And also please turn the sign to 'close' this time. My ass is the one that gets yelled at for it. I'ma head the fuck out" my eyes followed her as she got her stuff. I was still sitting on the too comfortable chair. My ass might as well be glued there. Cause it really don't feel like getting up.

"Why do you curse so much when your annoyed" i asked her as she adjusted her bag about to leave. "Free country" she mumbled swinging the door open. "Call me when you get home safely" i nodded at her and waved as i watched her walk away.

Jikook oneshot's inspired by songsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang