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Inspired by (Jonas brothers)

(—Why am I always writing sad shit for happy songs...I should stop doing that.


"CHOP CHOP! I don't have all day!" Taehyung yelled from his car at jimin who hurriedly ran out his house, hoodie half on. He hurriedly opened the car door getting in the passenger seat and closing it loudly. "Is the word wait not in your vocabulary sir?" Jimin asked with an eye roll, Taehyung gave him a cheeky smile starting his car and driving off.

School had started a month earlier. Nobody knew why, it just did. Everyone was furious about it students, lunch lady's, janitors, teachers. So let's just say not everybody got off in the right foot, everyone was moody and let's be honest total assholes to each other on the first day due to their summer being cut short.

Teens lost their virginity's. Getting high for the first time. First tattoos. Dying hair. Getting license. Ending up in the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Getting piercings. Changing styles. Discovering themselves. Coming out. Vacations. Party's. Hang outs. Trips. Getting in relationships. Visiting people across the world.

All these exiting things had happened to people in Jimin's high school over the summer. Except for him of course. Jimin didn't know what he wanted in life. . .neither did he know what to do with his life. They were now seniors and he had zero to no idea where he was headed after this last year was over.

Everyone he knew already had everything planned out, 'after high school plan'. Even taehyung who never seemed to be able to figure his shit out, already knew what college he wanted to go to, and what major he wanted to do. Yay.

But Jimin didn't really want to think about that now. He still had a year left, and he was planning on enjoying and making the most out his senior year. He'll do what he usually does with all his problems—leave it till the last minute. Which not surprisingly always came back biting him in the ass.

Due to summer break being cut a month earlier. They were in mid august, the days were long and hot. And the sunsets were beautiful. They had started school three weeks ago.

Taehyung drove down the familiar streets slowly. All windows rolled down. Arm resting out his window, cigarette between his fingers. Radio on low while swing Lynn played. Peace and quiet, it was a hot Sunday afternoon and neither of them had anything better to do. The sun was setting and it was beautiful, sunset right down the streets.

Jimin closed his eyes leaning his head back and took a deep breath out. They were headed to Taehyung's house he was sleeping over...again. For the 4th time this week.

Who could blame him he gets tired of practically living in a house by himself, Jimin's parents were never there. Physically and emotionally. And he knew why..they had a kid at the young ages of 15 and raised him full of love and adoration. But deep down he knew, he was a mistake his parents wish they could turn back.

He knew that they still, till this day wished jimin was never born. And they liked to show it——oh how they liked to show it. As soon as jimin started high school their asses really did a full 180. They stopped caring... at all.

They started screaming at him for no reason. They started spending nights out and wouldn't come home for days, sometimes weeks. The affection he once knew wasn't there anymore. They both started gambling and as a result they weren't able to pay rent.

Sometimes the landlord would come banging on the door at 3AM threatening to kick them out, only leaving with reassurance from his parents that they'd have the money by next week. Lies.

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