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Inspired by (Mitski's)
/Me and my husband\ 💍

Ha schools over. But starting again in a bit more then a month😑

Also shout out to my teacher who put a queer film on and made the whole class cry, that was cool of you. I mean she's queer herself so I wouldn't expect anything else. But she is the only teacher who talks about the struggles of the lgbtq+. Other teachers don't bat an eye even during pride month...💀

...I also haven't posted in like three weeks...sorry. BUT in my defense I was on what you could call a vacation for two of those weeks, and I really didn't feel like doing shit.


Jimin yawned and his eyes quickly got watery, he gripped his steering wheel trying to keep his eyes open. Which proved to get harder by the second but he forced them open since he was driving.

He's gotten barely 5 hours of sleep the pass three days. And working an 11 hour shift at the hospital did not help his case.

He Slightly jumped when his back pocket started vibrating. He quickly took it out smiling at the name on the screen.

My muscle bunny🐇❤️‍🔥

He answered putting it on speaker grin on his face.

"Hey love"

He sigh, he couldn't wait to get home to his boyfriend and fall asleep in his arms.

"You gotta get to the pizzeria right now, I got a call from the police. They found it open and all the money's gone, and so much more. It looks like someone broke in."


"I know baby, but please just get here!"

And just like that the call was hung up. Jimin quickly made a turn swerving his car around. His hands tightened around the wheel, and he felt like crying.

Stuff like this has never happened before. Their little pizzeria meant the world to them. And jimin couldn't afford to lose that place.

It was where him and jungkook first met. And where jimin asked him if he wanted to be his boyfriend. It's also where jungkook asked him if he wanted to move it together.

Their always there, of course when their not working. It was their comfort place.

Plus it was his mom's pizzeria, which she passed on to him when she died. She had met his dad there as well.

"Come on, come on. Shit!" He swirled around the car that was in front of him then stoped at a red light cursing to himself.

He bit his lip running a hand through his fading purple hair.

He was the first one speeding away at the first glance of the color green. It was a surprise no police had stopped after him.

Jimin sigh when the small pizzeria finally came into sight, immediately getting out almost tripping over his own feet he quickly went into the open place. He paused once he was in, looking back he frowned. No police. Weird.



Nothing was out of place, and the police and jungkook were nowhere to be seen. "Love!" He yelled semi running upstairs.

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