Chapter 37

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"Don't talk like that, Thorin..."  Bilbo glanced between Thorin and I, fighting his own tears.  "Skyrena will find a way to heal you.  Just hold on."  Thorin raised his head, trying not to waste the energy I'd given him.

"No...  I won't make it, and we all know it."  He smiled weakly.  "Master Baggins, I wanted to say I'm sorry.  You were such a friend to me, and I didn't treat you like my own.  I'm glad you came along.  You are such a fine lad, and I am glad to consider you my friend."  He paused and looked between the two of us as Bilbo sniffed, trying not to cry.  "Skyrena?"  I nodded.

"I'm here, Thorin.  Please, hold on.  I'll find a way to save you."  I glanced up at the sky, which was cloudy.  Around me, there was no energy for me to extract.  It felt as though all of Middle Earth had turned their back on me.  I shook my head as tears streamed down my face.  "You're gonna make it."  Thorin shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Skyrena...  I wish things had been different."  I shook my head.

"Don't say that, Thorin.  You're gonna be okay."  I leaned forward and rested my forehead on his, letting my tears fall onto his face.  "Please, Thorin.  I need you here with me."  The truth of those words hung in the air.  Without him, I would have been dead or captured so long ago, life wouldn't have been worth it.  "And, what if I do bear a child?  What about them?  What about the others?"  I shook my head.  "Don't leave us, Thorin...  Don't leave me."  He coughed a little, choking on his blood.

"I'm sorry, Skyrena.  This isn't what I wanted for us.  I'd always hoped that we would finally settle down in the mountain and have a family.  I never wanted to hurt you.  I just wanted to protect you and that future I always envisioned."  He took a deep breath.  "Will you promise me something?"  I nodded, feeling my tears stream down my face and drip down onto his face.

"Yes, Thorin.  Anything..."  He took my hand in his and gently squeezed.

"I want you to drain what's left of my energy.  Use it to protect yourself for the years to come.  That way, I'll always be there with you."  I lifted my head and stared at him in disbelief as he continued.  "But, I want you to promise that you'll help the others adjust.  Be their queen for as long as you are allowed.  And, in return, they will protect you."  I bit my lower lip.

"I don't think I can, Thorin.  Not without you!"  My voice cracked, but I didn't care.  I wasn't just going to let him give up, but there was nothing else I could do.  He grimanced in pain as he looked up at me.

"Yes, you can.  You survived all these years against all odds, and you've faced a dragon.  I swear, Skyrena, you will never be alone.  You have Balin and Dwalin and the others.  My cousin, Dain, will help you, too, if you allow him.  You'll be in good hands."  He coughed again.  "But, please, promise me that you will drain me of my last amount of energy and stay with the others."  His eyes grew wide as he coughed.  I listened to my voice as it cracked again.

"I promise..."  His hand tugged at mine as I removed the threshing from my neck.  Placing it to his chest, away from the wound, and rested my head on his shoulder.  "I promise..."  Tears streamed down my face as I started to extract his energy.  "I promise, Thorin."  His hand reached up and carassed my cheek, tilting my head up to face him.

Before I could do a single thing, his lips were on mine in a goodbye kiss.  I stayed there, frozen in place, as I slowly drained him of his energy, just as he asked.  Finally, his lips went slack against mine, and I could feel no more movement in him.  I pulled back and looked down at him.

"Thorin?"  I knew he was gone, but I hoped that it wasn't true.  I shook his shoulder.  "Thorin?"  No response, which made my heart sink.  I buried my face into his shoulder and started to cry.  At first, it was a silent sob, but it grew until I was screaming.  Ignoring the violent shivers rippling through my body, I continued to sob into Thorin's cold shoulder.

"Skyrena..."  I looked up and saw 11 blurry shapes standing beside me.  I shook my head as the shape that resembled Balin held out his hand to me.

"He's gone...  HE'S GONE!"  I bowed my head into Thorin's shoulder and screamed in misery.  Thorin was gone...  The mere thought of it broke my heart.  I couldn't help it any further.  I pounded my fists into Thorins shoulders as I cried out.  "He's gone!  He's gone!"  Shivering, I stood, trembling.  "He's gone..."  Helplessness spread through me like a fire as I took a few stumbling steps.  "He's gone, he's gone!"  Balin nodded as he hugged me, tears streaming down his face.

"I know, lassie.  I know..."  I cried into his shoulder, ignoring my shivering, as the others bowed their heads in respect to Thorin.  I shook my head.

"I couldn't save him.  I tried, but I...  I couldn't.  I didn't have enough energy.  I wanted to save him, but...  He made me promise!"  I turned to face Thorin's body.  "I didn't want to, but I promised!"  I trembled as Dwalin looked at me.

"Balin, she's dripping wet."  Balin's grip shifted as he looked at me.

"You're right...  She's soaked."  He tried to get me to walk, but I refused to leave.  "Skyrena, come on.  We have to get you inside."  I shook my head, ignoring how tired I felt.  He tugged at me insistently.  "Please, Skyrena."  Before I could protest, I collapsed, blacking out before I could stop myself.

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