Chapter 21

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I stayed awake all night, too nervous to sleep.  Come tonight, I may be killed.  All around me, the dwarves spoke in a bored, sad tone.  I knew they were all yearning for Erabor and freedom, both of which seemed so far away.  I hung my head, thinking it was hopeless.

"Thorin...?"  I waited for him to respond.

"Yeah?"  I swallowed hard, fighting my tears.

"What are we going to do?  Thraudril wants a final answer by tonight.  If you don't consent..."  I knew I didn't have to finish.  He sighed and answered.

"I don't know, Skyrena..."  I jumped at a very familiar voice.

"It's not hopeless, yet."  I looked up and saw Bilbo, smiling at me.  He held up the keys for me to see.  I raced over to the door, shifting into my dwarvish form.  As soon as the door was opened, I hugged the little hobbit.

"Bilbo!  Right in the nick of time!"  The others started to chatter quietly, trying to avoid attracting the guards.  I followed Bilbo down the stairs as he freed the dwarves.  Thorin smiled at me as he exited his cell.

"What did I tell you?  Everything will work out."  I smiled and thought for a second.

"I didn't doubt you for a second."  He rolled his eyes and gave me a hug.

"Sure you didn't."  We all followed Bilbo down the steps to the wine cellar.  I frowned and looked around as Bilbo lead us to the center of the room.  Seeing the guards, I froze, watching them, only to find that they were asleep.  Bilbo pointed at the barrels.

"Climb in!"  I frowned at him as everyone, with the exception of Thorin errupted in protests.  Finally, Thorin spoke.

"Do as he says."  One by one, we all climbed into the barrels and looked out at Bilbo.

"Now what?"  He smiled as he reached for a lever.

"Hold your breath."  With that, he pulled the lever, and we were falling into a dark cavern.  My barrel tipped forward, spilling me into the cold water.  Thorin reached down to help me back in as soon as I resurfaced.  Soon, Bilbo was falling down to meet us.  He resurfaced and clung to Bofur's barrel.  Thorin smiled.

"Well done, Master Baggins."  With that, he started leading us away.  I thought back to all my years in Mirkwood, feeling like something was wrong.  Then, I remembered the...

"Thorin!  The rap...!"  Before I could finish, he disappeared over the small waterfall leading from the cavern to the rapids.  Balin and Dwalin went down, followed by myself.

Before long, we were riding the rapids towards the gate.  I shook my head as I was splashed in the face by the water, but I didn't spill from my barrel again.  I could hear the others shouting, but, even over all the racket, I heard a vaguely familiar sound.  It took me a little while to remember it, but, when I did, I shuddered.

It was the horn, alerting the gates to be shut.  I swallowed hard and looked towards the gate.  Already, the elves were hurrying to close the trap doors below the bridge.  I looked towards Thorin.

"Thorin!"  He turned in time to see the gates start to close.  Without thinking, I dove from my barrel and swam towards the gate.

By the time I reached it, it was closed.  Shifting into an elf, I rammed my shoulder into it, trying to force it open.  Thorin and Dwalin soon joined me, ramming themselves into the gate almost in perfect union.  I swam against the current to try to reach the bridge when I heard a shout and saw one of guards fall into the river.  Above me, Orcs growled and roared.  I silently cursed as I saw them.

"Thorin...?  We're trapped!"  He turned and looked at the Orcs.  Suddenly, the elves finally caught up and started killing the Orcs off.  I started for land, but Killi stopped me by catching hold of my arm.

"No, Skyrena.  Let me open the gate."  I started to protest, but he cut me off.  "Uncle Thorin will kill me if I let you go up there.  You could get hurt or caught.  Let me do it."  I nodded and started back towards the gate.  Thorin frowned when he saw me.

"What about the gate?"  I swallowed hard.

"Killi said he'd get it..."  Suddenly, the gates flew open, and we were swept down the river.

I gasped for air as I bobbed up and down the river.  I couldn't find the barrel I had been riding, and I couldn't see a thing.  I gasped as some hands caught me by the shoulders and pulled me out of the water.  Thorin helped me grasp the side of his barrel and looked around.  Already, there were several Orcs along the river side.  Thorin looked back at me, trying not to look as worried as I knew he felt.

"Stay down and hold on."  I nodded and lowered myself into the water, still holding onto the barrel.

*Thorin's Pov-

Now that Skyrena was safe, I could focus on getting past the Orcs.  I fought off every Orc I could as we went down the raging river.  Skyrena looked weary as she clung to the side of my barrel, but she held on tight.  Soon, we seemed free and clear.  I helped her back up and looked for her barrel.

Bombor, who'd broken his, was riding in her's, and Bilbo had found a barrel for himself.  This counted for all 15 barrels: one destroyed and all taken.  I heaved her higher up and let her climb in.  She shivered and coughed, but she seemed okay.  She smiled weakly at me.

"Did we make it?"  I nodded and smiled at her as I kissed her forehead.

"Yes, Skyrena...  We made it."

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