Author's Note

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"You don't have to come, Skyrena.  You can stay here among my kin."  I shook my head.

"I swore I'd help you, Thorin.  Sides, your kin don't trust me."  Thorin hung his head and looked at me with his sad eyes.

"If anything were to happen to you...  I'd be breaking my promise to look out for you."  I hung my head, feeling guilty.

"I can control myself, and I know my limits.  I won't be a bother at all..."  He smiled at me.

"I'm sure you won't...  I'm still not sure, though."  With that, he walked off.  Balin rested a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"He cares about you, Skyrena..."


Before the dragon, Smaug, took Erabor, the dwarves found something far more dangerous... Skyrena was raised in Mirkwood, never realizing that she was the last shapeshifter in all of Middle Earth. Banished for what she is, she wandered for years until she found Dale. There, she meets Thorin, son of Thrain, and is taken to live among the dwarves.

Bond by an oath of loyalty, she joins the dwarves on their quest to reclaim Erabor. Alongside Bilbo and Gandolf, she not only learns about her people and their demise, but she becomes one of the most unlikely heroes in this tale.

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