Chapter 6

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*60 Years Later:

"Far over, the Misty Mountains rise...  Leave us standing upon the height.  What was before we'll see once more, cause our kingdom, a distant light..."  I came to a stop and knelt down.  There were paw prints.

"Wargs..."  I stood up and looked around.  I didn't smell any, but they had passed through.  Thorin frowned.

"Why so close to Bree?"  I shrugged and checked the gate.

"There's no one here...  Let's go."  We walked up to the gate and got through before they closed.  Once inside, I covered my face with my hood.  Thorin walked over to the inn and held the door open for me.  Choosing a secluded table by the fireplace, I nodded and sat down.  He joined me soon enough.  A maid came over.

"What can I get you two?"  I spoke.

"We'll both just take a meal."  She smiled, nodded, and walked off.  Thorin looked around.

"I don't like this place."  I shrugged and watched several people around us until our food arrived.  Then, I noticed a man watching us.

"Thorin..."  He tensed as I noticed another one.  "What do we do?"  He slowly stretched, but his hand started for his blade as they both came at us, one on either side.  I tensed and prepared to draw my own blade when a shadow passed over us.  I jerked and looked up.  A wizard smiled down at us.

"Care if I join you?"  He sat down, causing both of us to relax.  I kept my eyes on the two men who had started towards us, watching them leave.  The friendly stranger ordered a meal and looked over at us.  "What brings Thorin Oakenshield and Skyrena of the Woods to these parts?"  I tensed as Thorin answered.

"We heard that my father was sighted near Bree and came looking.  No sign of him..."  I knew it still was a touchy subject to talk about his family.  The wizard pulled out something from his pocket.

"I ran into some nasty characters on the road..."  He slowly pulled out a letter, causing me to relax again.  "They were carrying this."  I looked down at it, trying to read it.  Thorin spoke up as I read.

"What is it?"  I gulped, hoping I had misinterpreted it.  The wizard bit his lip.

"A notice, promising payment..."  I trembled, knowing I had been right as Thorin frowned.

"For what?"  The wizard looked up at us.

"For your head and her capture..."  He looked over at me as the wizard continued.  "Someone wants you dead, Thorin Oakenshield."  I looked up at him.

"And where do you fit in?"  He chuckled.

"Your reputation does you no justice, Skyrena of the Woods.  I'm here to help you."  I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How do we know this isn't some trick?"  Thorin rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Forgive my companion...  She tends to be extremely cautious around those whom she doesn't know."  The wizard nodded.

"As she should be, being what she is."  Thorin nodded at me, trying to comfort me as the wizard continued.  "Either way, Thorin, you must take back Erabor and reclaim your homeland."  Thorin and I exchanged looks as I shook my head.

"That's impossible...  The dragon will murder us for setting so much as one foot inside."  Thorin nodded in agreement.  The wizard looked at us carefully.

"That's why you'll need a burglar."  I frowned and exchanged looks with Thorin, who heaved a sigh.

"And where are we supposed to get a burglar who the dragon will be unfamiliar with?"  The wizard looked around.

"Come with me, and we will talk where we will be safe."  I looked over and noticed the two men from earlier and nodded.  The wizard, who turned out to be Gandolf, lead us to his room.  "Now, I was thinking a hobbit."

"It's been decided then.  You'll find a small home on the hill beyond the grounds of the Shire, home of a certain Bilbo Baggins."  Thorin looked over at me.

"Go ahead of us, Skyrena.  Make sure it's safe.  If you aren't back in 30 minutes, we'll know it's safe."  I frowned.

"I thought you were going to see your kin in the north before we head over."  He smiled.

"I am before I go, but I want you all to go ahead of me."  I nodded and took a deep breath.  Thorin hasn't let me go anywhere without him since Moria...

"Are you sure about this?"  He nodded.

"I'll be over as soon as I can."  I returned his smile, and, shifting into a bird, I flew off down the road too find this hobbit Gandolf had chosen.  Flying reduced the amount of time dramatically, and, soon, I landed at the doorstep of the house which he had marked.  I gulped and knocked.  A small, well-feed creature opened the door.  He resembled a dwarf, but his feet were much too large for boots.  I smiled.

"Hello.  My name is Skyrena."  He looked me up and down, looking really surprised, before responding.

"Bilbo Baggins..."  I frowned.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to startle you, but they sent me ahead, to make sure it's safe."  As he let me in, he frowned.

"Who sent you ahead?"  I started to answer when the bell rang.  They were coming...

"Gwalin, at your service."  Bilbo answered him kindly, but he looked more confused than ever.  Gwalin didn't seem to mind as he walked up to me.  "Nice to see you made it here just fine."  I frowned.

"Did you run into trouble on the road?"  He smirked.

"No...  The others were worried about you, though."  Soon, Balin, Filli, and Killi came in and started preparing for the others.  Bilbo looked so confused.

"Care to explain to me what's going on here?"  I started to answer, but the bell rang again.  He started ranting as he went to answer it, only to find everyone with the exception of Thorin there.  I dropped my hands to my side when he looked at me.

"I would have warned you, but I never got the chance to because you were too eager to answer the door."

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