Chapter 23

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*Thorin's Pov-

Skyrena's tiny squeak brought me a lot more comfort than I thought it would.  She was so tiny that, when I picked her up, I thought I might drop or hurt her.  Now that she was safe in my pocket, I felt less worried about her and more focused on our "smuggler."  Bilbo was the only one who could see him and was giving us feedback.

"He's talking to someone...  He just pointed at us..."  I patted the pocket where Skyrena was hiding, trying to reassure myself.  "Now...  They're shaking hands!"  I tensed, ready for an ambush when I heard the creaking of some sort of machinery.  Suddenly, we were all being buried by fish!

I didn't dare move, scared that I might hurt Skyrena, as we rode along quietly.  After what seemed like forever, I listened to Bard talk with some men.  At first, it seemed like things were going smoothly, but, then, I heard something, or somethings, splash into the water.  They were emptying the barrels.  I cupped Skyrena's trembling form in my hand and pulled her out of my pocket.

"Be ready to shift back..."  She nuzzled my thumb, but she was trembling a lot worse now.  I heard a shout and the splashing stopped.  I ran my thumb down Skyrena's form, trying to comfort both of us as we waited to be either discovered or dumped into the lake.  Soon, I realized we were sailing again.  I heaved a sigh and stroked Skyrena's soft fur.  "We're going to make it..."

After a while, I heard one of the barrels tip over.  Hearing Dwalin grumble something, I realized we were safe.  I placed Skyrena back into my pocket and used both hands to climb out.  As soon as I was out, I pulled Skyrena from my pocket.

"You can shift back, now."  Setting her down, I stood back and watched her grow back into a dwarf.

*Skyrena's Pov-

"Finally!"  As a mouse, I couldn't stop trembling in fear.  I trusted Thorin, but I was still afraid.  I shook my head at the smell of fish and brushed myself off.  "Not exactly my idea of fine travel..."  Thorin shrugged.

"Sorry...  It seemed to be the best option."  I remembered how his heart had raced in a deafening rumble, which not only hurt my ears, but it had matched mine almost beat for beat.  I followed Bard and the others through the town, trying to stick to the shadows.  Suddenly, a young boy came running up to Bard.

"Da!  They're watching the house!"  Bard looked over at us and thought for a moment.

"Into the lake, all of you...  Follow us below the docks."  I watched everyone hesitate for a moment before I jumped in.  The water was cold, but it was better than being caught now.  Thorin and the rest followed and ducked under the docks.  Thorin and I watched Bard and the boy travel over our heads.

"This way..."  I lead them under the docks down the same path Bard took.  Finally, I saw them enter a house.

"Over there..."  Thorin pointed at the lower part of the building.  I followed him across and over to what resembled the outhouse.  Bard's son, Bain, came down and saw us in the water below.  Helping me up, he instructed us to head upstairs.  As soon as we were all upstairs, Bard gave us all cloaks and dry clothes.  Thorin watched the window.

"A windlance..."  I came over and looked out.  Sure enough, there was a windlance on the top of the highest building in Lake Town.  Looking back at Thorin, I saw the look of sadness.  Soon enough, Bard came back with our weapons.  I picked up a harpoon and tested its sharpness.  It hurt, but the blade wasn't sharp enough to pierce my skin and produce blood.  Soon, everyone was argueing.  I turned and saw Bard leave.  I frowned and approached Bain.

"Where's he going?"  Bain shrugged.  I turned back to the dwarves, who were still argueing.  Rolling my eyes, I shouted.

"Enough!"  Everyone froze and turned to face me.  I swallowed and straightened my shirt.  "There is no point in fighting amongst ourselves.  We're here for one purpose and one purpose only."  Thorin nodded and smirked at me.

"That's right...  Follow me!"  He started back down the stairs.  I frowned and took off after him.

"Thorin?  Where are you going?"  He turned and smiled at me.

"We are going to find some real weapons so we can reclaim our homeland."  The way he said it made me feel like I've always been a dwarf, not a shapeshifter who's been tagging along.  I really started to feel like I really belonged in his company.  I smiled and nodded.

"Very well."  I followed him through Lake Town.

It was dark by the time we found the armory.  Thorin reminded us for the hundreth time what we were doing: get in, take some weapons, and head for the mountain.  I flew in as a bird and checked out the room.  When I was sure no one was there, I whistled out.  Thorin and the others climbed in and we started arming ourselves.  I reached out for a bow, but Thorin stopped me.

"You're not going into the mountain with us, Skyrena.  You'll have to wait outside."  I dropped my jaw and stared at him.

"But..."  He shook his head.

"I'm not risking you for Erabor.  You're not going in until it's safe."  I hung my head.

"Fine, Thorin."  He wanted me to stay instead of coming, but I came.  It was the least I could do after all we've been through.  He pulled me into a hug.

"I promise you that I personally will come out and tell you when it's safe.  When Erabor is ours once again...  I want you to marry me."  I looked up at him, rather startled.

"What?"  Before he could respond, we heard a crash.  Killi, carrying an arm-load of weapons, had fallen down the stairs.  Thorin shouted to the others and shoved me behind him as the guards came.

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