Chapter 5

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One quiet day, there arouse a clatter as the men started rushing about to put on their armor.  King Thror took my arm and pulled me close as he whispered.

"Go find Thorin and see what is going on..."  I nodded and took off.  Steering through scattered dwarves, I rushed for the balcony.  He and Balin stood there, watching as the wind kicked up.

"Thorin!"  He turned and started towards me.

"Go inside and tell Grandfather that we're under attack..."  He started to push me back inside as he shouted to Balin.  "Call out the guard!"  I frowned.  Why was he so worried?  Balin matched my expression.

"What is it, Thorin?"  Thorin tried to stay calm.

"Dragon..."  Without warning, he yelled.  "Dragon!"  I heard a roar and saw the fire drake flying overhead.  Seeing it rear, I realized it was going to breath fire.

"Thorin!"  He saw and, shoving me to safety, he pulled Balin from the path of the flame.

"Go, Skyrena!  Warn Grandfather!"  I scrambled to my feet and ran for the throne room, screaming at the top of my lungs.

"DRAGON!"  Thrain pulled me into the throne room and covered my mouth.

"What the heck are you doing?  Why are you yelling and causing all sorts of ruckus?"  I pulled myself free and faced the king.

"There's a dragon!  We have to help Dale!"  He shook his head.

"We have to stay and defend our home..."  Thorin ran in.

"Grandfather!  It's coming to the door!"  Thror looked at me.

"Join the ranks!"  I nodded and rushed to try to stop the dragon.  Thorin stood beside me, shouting orders to the men.  Suddenly, the doors flew open, and the dragon marched in.  Thorin push me aside before I was stomped on by the first leg.  Suddenly, I realized he was about to be trampled.

"Thorin!"  He ducked and dodged the foot.  As soon as it was saved, I took off after him.  Helping him to his feet, I looked back towards the dragon.  "He's heading for the treasury!"  Thorin grasped both my arms.

"Where's Grandfather?"  I tried to remain calm.

"I don't know...  He told me to join ranks."  Realizing that he knew where the king was, we both took off running.  Reaching the treasury, we saw the dragon frolicking in the gold as the king fell to the ground.  Thorin grabbed Thror as I watched the dragon turn to us.  "Thorin!"  The dragon reared, causing my vision to blur.  A horrorfying roar rang through the room, startling the dragon.  I shifted back and took off after Thorin, who was pulling Thror to safety.

By the time we got outside, it was chaos.  Everywhere I looked, dwarves were running, yelling, crying, and/or screaming.  Thrain helped Thror along as Thorin and I helped make sure everyone made it out.  Suddenly, Thorin looked up.

"Look!"  I did and saw Lord Thraudril looking down on us.  "Hey!  Help us!"  My former guardian tilted his head and turned his steed around, turning his back on us.  Thorin clenched his jaw.  "We're on our own..."  I placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him.  We travelled for months before we reached Moria.  I stopped and sniffed the air, which reeked off...

"Orcs!"  Suddenly, the dwarvish doors flew open, an Orcs charged.  I growled as Thorin and I flanked Thror.  Then, we saw the pale Orc.  I gulped and nodded at Thorin as all the dwarves started to fight for their lives.  I shifted into a wolf and took out 3 Orcs in one flying tackle.  Thorin helped keep Orcs from attacking me from behind.

A roar rang through the air, making my blood run cold.  I looked up and saw the pale Orc holding up the head of King Thror.  Thrain's anguished cry made me shake my head.  Looking over at Thorin, I saw pure hatred in his eyes.  The pale Orc, Arsock, flung the head right at us.

"Thorin..."  He looked back at Arsock and yelled.

"No!"  Looking around, I saw dwarves being butchered.  Instinct ran like fire through my veins as I watched Arsock and Thorin face off.

I roared as I shifted in to a great bear and started crushing Orcs.  The next few minutes were blurred, but I didn't mind.  I shifted from a bear to a great eagle to a griffin, anything that seemed to cool the anger within me.  The monster killed one of the only people who had been truly kind to me.  His Orcs were attacking the people I said I'd protect.  I roared and trampled every Orc I saw.

"Skyrena!"  I turned and shifted back to my dwarf form.  Arsock, having just disarmed Thorin, was coming right at me.

I crouched down and, moving faster than a striking serpent, passed the Orc and rushed to Thorin's side.  The Orc turned and glowered down at us as he raised his sword.  Thorin pushed me behind himself and, raising the oaken branch, he blocked the blow and sliced off the monster's arm.  The creature started screaming as some Orcs started to drag him off.

"Go back up!"  The dwarves charged again as I shifted into the wolf.  I followed Thorin back up and destroyed several Orcs who dared to get in my way.  Before long, the fighting ended.  I trembled as I shifted back into a dwarf.  Around me stood only a few dwarves, numbering to about 13, counting Thorin.  Balin came towards me.

"You alright, lassi?"  I tried to move, but I collapsed from exhaustion.  Gwalin and Bifur came over and helped me to my feet.  Thorin stood nearby on a rock.

"We head West..."  I looked over and attempted to stand on my own.

"Let's go..."  Balin shook his head as I nearly hit the ground.

"We have to find a place to rest.  Skyrena's exhausted!"  The others nodded in agreement.  I looked upon the dead and shook my head.

"I should have sensed it sooner..."  Thorin sat down beside me.

"It's not your fault."  My eyes teared as I sniffed and shook my head.

"I could have warned you in advance.  Your grandfather...  Your father...  They're dead because of me."  He pulled me into a hug as I fought to regain myself.

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