Chapter 4

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"I'm not sure if this is a good idea, Thorin."  We followed his father to the throne room, where his grandfather waited for us.  "Did you see your father's face when he realized who I was?"  He'd looked like he'd eaten someting rotten.  Thorin shrugged.

"He's not king...  My grandfather is."  I froze when we reached the doorway.  "Sides, my father doesn't trust anyone without reason."  I gulped as the door opened.  A white haired dwarf clothed in what looked like silver sat below a glowing gem.  He smiled when he saw Thorin and Thrain.

"Come in, my son and grandson.  What blessing is it you wish for?"  Thorin knelt before his grandfather when he reached the steps.  Standing, he turned and motioned for me to come closer.

"This is the shapeshifter, Skyrena.  I wish to have her join our kingdom."  The old dwarf looked me up and down as I curtsied and kept my head bowed.

"This is the shapeshifter?"  Several dwarves in the room started to mutter among themselves.  I knew exactly what they were thinking just by the heavy scent of fear in the air.  Thorin placed a hand on my shoulder and nodded.

"Yes, my king.  The men of Dale were attacked by the Orcs, and she risked her life to defend those who were left behind from an Orc ambush."  I tried not to cringe as the king addressed me.

"Is this true?"  I nodded.  "Tell me, Skyrena, where did you come from...  What became of the rest of your fine race?"  I gulped.

"I, sir, never knew what I was until 2 decades ago.  I was found as a child in Mirkwood..."  Thrain started to protest, but the king cut him off and motioned for me to continue.  "I was being hunted by Orcs, but the elves saved me, thinking I was an elf.  I stayed with them for 200 years and was trained to kill Orcs and defend our lands.  However, one day, while fighting a pack, I somehow changed my shape and didn't realize it until the elves saw me and nearly killed me.  They took me to the king, who banished me under the penalty of death.  I ran from the woods and found myself at the lake.  I gained passage to Dale with the help of a kind bardsman and took up work in a local inn.  The rest, king, you already know."  He frowned.

"But...  What of your race?"  I lifted my head slightly to look at him.

"I know nothing of my race or kin."  He nodded as Thrain's jaw tightened.

"Mirkwood...  Those elves despise us!"  Several dwarves nodded in agreement.  "It's bad enough she's a shapeshifter, but from Mirkwood!  She could be a spy, Father."  With that, several dwarves started calling me the most dreadful names.

"Spy...  Monster...  Creature of Mordor...!"  Thorin yelled to silence them.

"Grandfather, let us consider what she has done before we condemn her."  He turned to face me.  "Have you ever killed without reason?"  I shook my head.  "Have you ever disobeyed an order?"  I shook my head.  "Have you pledged your allegience to anyone outside of our realm?"  I shook my head.  He turned back to his grandfather.  "When we rode out, we witnessed her being hunted by the men.  She never beared her teeth at them...  She never shifted or turned to attack them.  Clearly, she is not the monster some fear her to be."  The king looked between his son and grandson before he turned to face me.

"What say you to all this?"  I looked right at him now, cringing on the inside.

"I have been trained to fight to protect, not to raize and destroy.  I am no Orc or goblin, but I can clearly see that my race ranks close to these vile races.  If I must be killed for the protection of Middle Earth, then strike me dead now.  However, know that I do everything in my power to protect the innocent."  Everything was silent as the king tapped his finger to his throne, thinking of his response.  Finally, he smiled.

"I know innocence when I see it.  You have done nothing to deserve death, so...  I, if you are will, am willing to take you in as a resident in Erabor.  You will be under the protection of my family."  He smiled.  "Who knows?  You may win over the prince, Thorin..."  My eyes widened as I looked at Thorin, who blushed.  "However, we may be able to help you exercise your abilities and hone them to become useful in battle."  I nodded.

"If you requested I join your army or guard, I would do it for those promises."  He smiled.

"You seem too young to fully know your abilities..."  I shook my head.

"I've been trained to fight.  I've taken on 6 Orcs at once before."  Even Thorin looked impressed.  The king simply laughed.

"Aye, I see the warrior inside of you.  However, females are not warriors..."  Thorin piped in.

"Perhaps she could stand in your presence and see to it you are safe."  Thrain rolled his eyes.

"The king under the mountain hiding behind a female...?"  Thorin smirked.

"The king under the mountain being protected by one of the rarest creatures in all of Middle Earth!  Disreguard she is female.  We are offering her so much, and she wishes to repay us in some way."  The king thought for a moment.

"Alright, she may stay as my guard, but we will not let her be known as a shapeshifter.  Instead, she shall be considered our kin."  He winked at Thorin, who blushed even more.  I knelt before the king as he approached me.  "Will you except our offer?"  I looked up and smiled at him.

"Yes... my king."

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