All Alone

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Nya and Marionette ran outside and saw the boys all wrapped in water tentacles. "Hey come on you know we are very good friends with Kai and Nya maybe you could tell us where Kai is?" Zane asks trying to reach a agreement. "Where is my daughter?" Oceana growls in a manner that clearly marks she's had to repeat that phrase almost a millions of times.

"Hey! Put them down now!" Nya yells and Oceana turns to her. "Nya get inside!" Jay yelled. Oceana's eyes widened and she smiles. "Nya my baby girl," Oceana said in cheer. "Mum if that really is you please let go of the akuma," Nya pleads with her. "Oh don't worry sweetie the akuma isn't doing any harm Hawkmoth is a really good friend he's helping us," Oceana said sweetly walking over to Nya. The girl in question takes steps back from her.

"Dear come with us your brother is not very patient he get's it from his father," Oceana said. "I am not going anywhere with you," Nya said. Oceana just sighs and retracts her water tentacles from the others who dropped to the ground. Oceana has them swirl around her. "Don't make it harder than it needs to be sweetheart," Oceana said. Nya summons her own water ignoring the tears sprouting in her eyes. "You should know I do everything the hard way," Nya responds. Oceana let her tendrils loose at her daughter trying to capture her, but she was at a disadvantage since Nya was very skilled and dodged them before redirecting them from her and back at her mother.

It was a even fight with water going everywhere. Alya had been recording the entire fight and when looking at the phone she frowns at seeing a odd blurring part move across her phone. She stood up and moved the phone around before she realized it looked humanoid.

She then realized something. Something invisble was here. Before she understood what she was doing she charged at the mysterious thing and jumped landing on something invisible that tried shaking her off. It was a good thing too or else it would have been embarrassing. "Hey! Get off me you ssssstupid girl!" A voice with a British accent and a a snake like s said. Everyone looked and Lloyd growls. "Pythor,"

The thing that Alya was trying to get down dropped the camouflaged and they saw the white and purple scales and long tail. In his hand was the realm crystal! "Hey! Give that back you slimy snake!" Jay charges, but Pythor grabbed Alya and held her with his fangs bared. Everyone ,except Nya and Oceana who had not noticed, froze the message clear.

"Vemari venom makes you see your worse fears for a Anacondrai the venom makes your stomach acid eat away at you," Pythor said his fangs dangerously close too Alya's skin. "Now I'm just going to leave anyone who stops me will-GAH MY TAIL!" Pythor drops Alya and the Realm Crystal in pain and looked behind him and saw Nino had dropped a giant rock on the tip of his tail. Everyone was so focussed on Alya no one had noticed Nino sneaking around with the giant rock. "No one threatens my girlfriend not even some stupid bleached snake!" Nino said. "Why you little," Pythor was cut off by the arrival of two kwami's and he paused to stare at them.

"Hey what did we miss?" Plag asks finishing off the last of his cheese burping. "Sorry Marionette," Tikki said ashamed. "We can talk about this later," Adrien glares. "Hey!" Everyone turned back to the fight and saw Nya had been beaten by her akumatized mother trapping her in a sphere of water. Pythor took the distraction and got the rock off his tail and goes invisible slithering off.

"Nya!" Jay ran to her when he was pulled back wrapped in chains. He looked behind him and saw the chain was by Vulcan who was holding two more chains. "Tikki spots on!" Marionette said transforming. 

Ladybug threw her Yo-Yo, but with the lightning fast reflexes Vulcan caught it and threw her off the floating island. "Marionette!" Everyone screams. They saw her throw her yo-yo and it wraps around a nearby tree. Everyone sighs and turned their attention back to the two villains. It was not much of a fight because Vulcan quickly wrapped them all in chains.

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