Lots Of Regrets

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"What?! How are they in Ninjago!"

Nya all but screeches louder than even Chloe can so just imagine that for a while.

After the ringing in their ears stopped Nino comes on. "Hey guys see my family anywhere?" He asks worriedly.

"I am unsure what your family looks like would you like me to do a DNA test of everyone here until I find a match?"

Nino was going to say yes when something accrued to him. "You have my DNA?"

"Of course I do. You would never believe how useful it has been in the past when you need to unlock a DNA activated lock,"

Nino processed that wierd piece of information for a moment when Lady-bug decided to cut in. "What people are there? What age groups?" She asks.

After a moment Jay answers. "Like our age to around the fifties I guess. I don't really see any kids around," Jay answers. "I do they are over there," Zane answers, but the others could not see what the others were seeing.

"Are the kids safe?" Ladybug answers. There is a pause before the answer.

"Yeah they're safe," Jay answers.


Those kids are in no way possible safe. In Jay's opinion at least.

The kids were being taught by Knuckles and Krunch about how to be "good". They were pointing to a board of robbers stealing stuff and it was under a tarp hiding them from the burning sun heat with fans and plenty of water so they were mostly safe. Those two skulkin were about as dangerous as a piece of paper, but Jay was worried about Blue-Bird who had a poor Parisian doing her nails and with how close she was too the kids it was worrying Jay and the other two.

If something happened then it would be easy for Blue Bird to use any one of those kids as a bargaining chip.

"Hey guys look," Cole points across the heat and squinting Jay and Zane could see.

"Marionette we found your mother," Jay said into the coms. Mr. Dupen-Chang was looking a little worse for wear with her red and white shirt being torn in a few areas and so dirty you could barely tell it used to be white anymore. She looked like she was over heating much worse than the others working and Zane quickly made his way to her with Lady-bug and her father yelling into the mike to know if she was alright.

Zane made his way over and said to her. "Ms Dupen-Chang?" Zane asks and she responded looking up with a red face. "Yes?" She asks. Zane put his hand on her forehead and before she could smack him away relief flooded her body as Zane worked to cool down her temperature though-out her entire body.

"Oh my," she breaths in relief as Jay and Cole came over to her. "Are you alright?" Cole asks. "How are you so cold?" She asks feeling the hand of Zane's. "Magic," Jay said simply with a shrug. "Anyway Ms Dupen Chang we were sent by Ladybug and Cat Noir as a retcon team. Do you know why Blue Bird has the people digging?" Cole asks. "I over heard a skeleton say it was to dig up a lost miraculous," Ms Dupen Change answers.

They exchanged looks of shock on how a miraculous could make its way to a different realm of Ninjago.

"Did she say miraculous?" Master Fu asks on the other side of the mic. "Yeah got any idea on how that's possible?" Cole asks into the coms. They heard a sigh on the other end and Master Fu mutters.

"Wu you fool,"


Master Fu looks at all the pairs of eyes on him expectantly. All the heroes, citizens, and ninja were looking at him expecting a explanation. Fu sighed rubbing his temples. "A long time ago when I was just a apprentice in the protectors of the miraculous when Wu came to our realm as just a boy no older than me. He said he needed a miraculous to be made that it was orders by his father," Fu began.

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