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Ever since the talent show Lila had been suspended. She would have been expelled if it wasn't for her supposed 'mental illness' that excused some of her actions plus her mother being a lawyer. The reason she got suspended for two weeks was because the mayor was not too happy with his daughter being blamed for the poisoning of another student. Chloe on the other hand kept on trying to find ways to 'repay' Kai for clearing her name. This usually ended in a very possessive Lloyd finding ways to prank her. This involved wet clothing, falling objects, and he somehow made her hair green. No one knew who was doing this just guesses and rumours. But five teenagers knew it was Lloyd using his ninja skills to pull them off. Kai had tried scolding him for it, but Lloyd gave a pouty face and Kai melted choosing instead to cuddle his blonde boyfriend like a teddy bear.

Anyway on with the story

So Adrien was working up the courage to ask his father something he has always wanted to do even though he knew it was more a girl thing he knew guys were totally allowed to do it as well.

"I don't know why your so scared what's the worse he can do?" Plagg asks Adrien while munching on cheese. "You know how my father is he's

He nervously went to his father in his office room where he kept the painting of his mother. Natalie was at her desk making appointments for what is a mystery. Adrien fidgeted with his silver ring which was his miraculous in disguise.

"Father," Adrien speaks up. Gabriel only gave a small glance before going back to his designs. "Yes what is it?" Gabriel asked. Adrien took a deep breath it was now or never. "I was hoping I could invite some friends over for a sleepover this weekend," Adrien requests. Natalie looked up from her screen to see Gabriel's answer. "Who would you invite?" Gabriel asks willing to humour Adrien he already decided to say no. "Nino, Max, Kim, Zane, Cole, Jay, Kai, and Lloyd," Adrien lists off.

(Okay I know that's a lot of people for a sleepover, but hey I wanted to)

Gabriel's silent. The first three he did not care about, but Kai and Lloyd there was something different about them. He consulted Nooru and he said that he had no idea why Siren and Sorrow had those other powers since Hawkmoth had full control of what they get and should not have any hidden skills he didn't know about. Or the fact that Inferno was a lot more powerful than Hawkmoth anticipated or meant. He knew it was not part of his miraculous or him so why did they have those powers? This sleepover of his sons may give him a chance to find out and maybe even study the other three who he was sure had some sort of secret...well he didn't know what but he knew it would be helpful in his goals.

When he didn't reply Adrien hung his head. "It's okay father I know it was-," Adrien began getting cut off. "You may have this sleepover. I will be off on business for this weekend and Natalie has said you need to have more interactions outside of school," Gabriel said and Natalie looked surprised for a moment before settling into her usual emotionless demeanour. Adrien looked thrilled and ran over to his father hugging him. "Thank you so much father!" Adrien thanks and Gabriel cracked a small smile. "Just promise me nothing will get out of hand," Gabriel said and Adrien nodded giving his father one last hug before running off to text his friends. Once gone Natalie asked. "Sir you have no appointments out of town why did you allow Adrien to have his friends over?" Natalie asked. "I have reason to believe his new friends are...unique. When I akumatize them it feels like when I akumatized Chloe while she was still queen bee. There was already power within. What the power is or if they are aware of it I am not sure, but this childish sleepover may helpful in finding out what it is and if it's useful in my goals," Gabriel said. Natalie nodded in understanding.

In Ninjago

"Pleeeeeease master," Jay, Kai, and Cole were begging Master Wu after training and going on a few small patrols stopping robberies and other illegal stuff. Zane and Lloyd were off on the side watching the exchange. They wanted master Wu to say yes as well, but they had enough dignity not to beg. "No," Wu repeated. "But master you let Nya go to her sleepover with Alya," Jay argues. "There is a difference between letting one of my students spend the night in another realm and the rest of them going as well," Master Wu said. "But master you can just call us and we'll come running," Jay pleads. "Plus master Ninjago city can last without us for one night, plus we've been training, doing schoolwork, and dealing with staying out of the fight when someone gets akumatized," Cole points out. "We need a break," Kai said. Master Wu sighed. "Fine, but no complaining during training again for at least a month," Master Wu said and everyone cheers. "Deal!"

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