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I'm sure we'll find it." Lloyd said as Kai practically tore through the locker room for his locket. He and Nya had matching ones. Nya's had a picture of them as kids in it whereas Kai's had their parents the thing was it was the only picture of their parents they had. "But I can't find it anywhere!" Kai yells at Lloyd panic clear in his voice. "Can't fund what?" Adrien asks walking up to them as Kai throws everything out of his locker. He gives Lloyd a questioning glance and Lloyd does his best to explain while not giving away more serious details. "Kai lost a locket that belongs to his sister. It's very important to them." Lloyd explains. "Oh I'll help you find it." Adrien said as he helped them look around not finding it anywhere. Kai was full blown panicking at this point which was rare for him but he didn't care he needed to find that necklace.


Chloe was walking into school when she heard a giggle behind her. She turns around to see Lila giggling at her with a smug smirk on her face. "What is it?" Chloe asks harshly. "Oh it's just I know that I saw that locket in the lost and found. Guess we all know where you actually buy your clothes." Lila said with a smirk and eye roll. "Actually daddy gave it to me but your right it's ugly you can have it if you want." Chloe said. She didn't want to admit she pretty much stole the necklace so she takes it off and throws it to Lila before she catches it and Chloe goes inside.

Lila looks at the locket with a sinister smile as she walks into class. Once she enters she sees Kai looking like he hadn't slept last night as he stares out the window. Lila smirks as she comes in and takes her seat at the table in the back.

That class ends and next up is p.e and that's when Lila decides to strike. It had rained the night before so the tack was muddy with as people ran on the track. It was teams and Lila was paired to go against Kai who was looking around like he was looking for something. "On your marks get set go!" The coach yells and the two take off. Lila gets a small head start and lets the locket fall out of her pocket and Kai right behind her steps on it with a deafening crunch.

He stops running and looks down under his foot to see the broken locket with the frame broken off and the picture of his parents ruined beyond repair. "Keep going mister Smith." The coach said not realizing what was happening. Kai bends down and picks up the locket before clenching it's remains in his palm. He turns around to face Lila just as she finishes the race with a fake look of confusion. "Is something wrong Kai?" Lila asked. Kai knew she did that on purpose and his anger won over as he marched up to her infront of everyone and started yelling at her.

"You stupid B*tch you dropped it on purpose!" He yells at her opening his palm and showing her the broken locket. "What's wrong?" Marionette asks walking over. "This asshole stole and dropped my locket on purpose so it would break." Kai yells pointing at Lila. "Seriously dude? What type of guy has jewelry on them?" Cam snickers. "Shut up!" Kai screams his eyes practically blazing with fire. "I-I don't understand why you think I did that?" Lila said crying fake tears that had won over most of the class as they flocked to comfort her. "Yeah she's super nice." Rose said defensively. "You actually believe this lying B*tch!" Kai screams at the class at this moment he really wished he had the same p.e glass as the rest of his friends. Lila was full blown sobbing at Kai's words that were obviously fake but most people still took her side giving her sympathy.

"Kai go to the principal office now! They shall discuss your punishment there." The teacher said. "What! She should be punished she broke my locket!" Kai screams at the coach. "It's just a locket go buy a new one." Ivan said. "I can't!" Kai screams at them as he clutched the broken pieces tighter. "Kai I believe you." Marionette said coming to his aid but it didn't do any good. "I do to." Adrien said as well but it didn't help either. "I've done nothing wrong." Lila sobs. That breaks Kai and he pushes Lila into the mud that got all over her uniform and skin. "Dude what the heck! It's just a necklace." Cam said helping a sobbing Lila up as the teacher grabbed his arm and started pulling him to the principal's office. "It's her you should be punishing!" Kai screams at the coach. "You are over reacting over a small incident that wasn't even her fault." The teacher states before they get out of ear shot. "No it's not!" Kai screams at the teacher getting out of thier grip and running away to the bathroom.

"Why was he so upset over a piece of jewelry?" Chloe asks. "It belongs to his sister it's very important to her I guess." Adrien shrugs. All the commotion had gathered a audience from the other classrooms and one of them had Jay and Lloyd in it as they rushed down to see what was going on. "What happened?" Lloyd asks at seeing Lila all muddy. "Kai started screaming at Lila because she broke Nya's locket by accident. He was kinda over reacting." Cam said in a matter of fact tone. "Oh jeeze." Jay said and he and Lloyd start running off into Kai's direction with Marionette and Adrien following close behind. "Wait? What's so important about the locket? Is it a family heirloom?" Marionette asks. "It was a gift his father gave his mother instead of a wedding ring his father made it himself." Lloyd said. "Oh so he's afraid of getting in trouble with his father?" Adrien asks. "No it's complicated." Jay explains and the two teenagers send each other a worried look.

Kai was in the locker room boiling with rage as he clutched his locker door searing his hand print into it. He doesn't notice as a small butterfly flew in through a open window and was absorbed into the broken locket and he heard a voice.

"Hello Inferno I am Hawkmoth you wish to have the power to make a wrong a right I can give you that power in exchange for Ladybug's and Cat noir's miraculous." Hawkmoth said fueling on all the anger he felt coming from the boy it was nothing he had ever felt before. It was different it was powerful it felt so good.

The four teens rush inside the locker room in time to see Kai be covered in a dark purple light. When it fades his hair is on fire but it doesn't burn him, he has a sword behind his back with a dark red and black ninja suit that looked like molten lava. His eyes had turned a scary black, with his skin looking charred and he had a purple small chain around his neck he was almost unrecognizable besides the scar that was on his eye. Adrien and Marionette quickly push a bewildered Lloyd and Jay behind a row of lockers so they wouldn't be seen as this new villain unsheathes his sword and walks out.

"What just happened to him?" Lloyd asks. "He was akumatized by Hawkmoth whatever he does next may seem like he's in control but he's being controlled by Hawkmoth." Marionette explains. "But why him?" Jay asks. "From how he reacted when Lila broke his locket he was the perfect victim. Hawkmoth feeds off the negative emotions of others the more negative the more likely the target." Adrien explains. "We need to help him!" Lloyd said getting up before being pushed back down. "We need to wait till Ladybug and Cat noir show up I'm going to find help." Marionette said running off. "Me too." Adrien said running in the opposite direction. "We need to find the others who knows what this might mean for us." Lloyd said and Jay nods getting up to go find them.

"This is bad Tiki." Marionette said as she got into a stall and her kwami floats out. "Wonder why the locket was so important?" Tiki said. "No time for that now. Tiki spots on!" Marionette yells."Plagg claws out!" Adrien yells in the boys bathroom.

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