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Kai woke up groggy and sluggish. He slowly woke up looked around. He was in some sort of room that looked like something for a seven year old. It was red, had toys here and there, bed sheets that had sports balls on it, and he had a vengestone bracelet on. He looked too the side and saw another empty bed with mermaid designs and was blue with stuff for a little girl. It gave Kai de javu of his old room at the forge that he shared with Nya until she insisted on her own room.

"Did I break in a kids room and fall asleep?" Kai asks out loud the earlier having not caught up on him. The door too the room opened and Kai looked seeing the man and woman from earlier peer in at him. "Kai honey how's your booboo?" Oceana came in and looked at his wound that Kai only just noticed had been carefully bandaged. "Get away from me," Kai growls pushing her away. "Don't speak to your mother that way," Vulcan said. "You are not my parents. My parents abandoned me a long time ago. Even if you are my parents why should I welcome you with open arms? You left a seven year old too watch over his little sister all alone," Kai snaps at them crossing his arms and turning away. "Honey we never meant too leave you. We did it all for your safety," Oceana said. "What?" Kai looks at them with a raised eyebrow. "We were forced too leave you. But believe us you and your sister are all we have thought about since we left," Vulcan explains. "Than why didn't you ever try to come back?" Kai asks. "We wanted too we really did, but if we did than you both would have been hurt or worse. We could never risk it, but now we have the power too get your sister back and we can be a big happy family again. All we need is too get Hawkmoth and Pythor the realm crystal and jewels," Oceana said. "Wait Pythor's in on this? You cannot do that if they get any one of those artifacts then everything is doomed," Kai said. "You will understand when you are older son. Now me and your mother are going to pick up your sister be good while we are gone," Vulcan said.

They started leaving, but Kai got up and tried too stop them or find the stupid akuma. Oceana put a water sheild up by the door trapping him. Kai groans and sat down. "I hate needing too be rescued. Getting kidnapped every other day is Lloyd's job," Kai mutters too himself.

The ninja

Everything was really hectic. Nya was destroying the training bots and Lloyd was trying too get her inside so they could sleep. It was after dinner and everyone was concerned for Nya's well being. It was like everything involving her parents that she kept bottled up was being unleashed onto those training bots.

"Nya come on your no good too anyone tired," Sensei Wu said as Nya took out the last of the bots. "Fine," Nya agrees going inside. "Jay make sure she actually get's some sleep," Wu said. "On it," Jay said following after her. With nothing left everyone retired too sleep.

Marionette could not sleep though so she just wanders around the temple until she saw Adrien. He was staring out the window and he looked at her. She tried leaving before he said. "M'lady wait," She pauses. "Are we not gonna talk about it?" Adrien asks. "I have no idea what there is too talk about," Marionette said. "Marionette we should talk about this," Adrien said. "I would rather not," Marionette said. "Are you disappointed? Are you disappointed I'm Cat Noir?" Adrien asks looking down. "What no! I just......okay I'm embarrassed. You sat behind me nearly every day of class and never did I ever think you were Cat Noir even though there were so many signs. And I'm scared," Marionette admits. "Scared?" Adrien inquires. Marionette turns to leave. "Never mind," Marionette said. "Marionette wait," But she had already left Adrien in the room to silently think.

As Marionette walked down the halls she heard quiet crying. She peered in through the door of a room to see Lloyd was crying in his sleep mumbling some stuff. Marionette quickly came in and when she got within a foot Lloyd's eyes flew open and he bolted up with a scream. When he realized it was Marionette he calmed down. "Are you okay?" Marionette asks. Lloyd does not answer. "Just go to sleep," He said. "You miss Kai?" Marionette asks. Lloyd winces, but nods. "I know your closer with the others and all, but do you want to talk about it?" Marionette asks timidly. Lloyd does not answer. "Look I get that you are a hero and don't want to look weak, but I know if you keep this bottled up you won't be able to help anyone," Marionette said. Lloyd was silent before deflating. "I always have nightmares every night some worse than others," Lloyd admits. Marionette sat next to him on the bed. "I started having them after I was revealed to be the green ninja. I was only a kid I was only ten all I wanted was too eat candy and play with other kids. Kai he saved me from a volcano and ever since than I had a massive crush on him. I didn't really realize it was a crush until Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane got deaged by my dad to kids my age," Lloyd cracks a small smile. "I looked at him and I thought he was cute. I had always been closer to him than the others, but I just found him so cute with everything and every way he acted," Lloyd admits. "When I got turned older by this magic potion with them I became the same age as Kai," Lloyd was interrupted. "Wait how old are you?" Marionette asks. "Yeah that is a topic of debate, but the point is. I was told I needed to work harder to become the green ninja to control my powers. But I was still mentally a kid who just wanted to show off for their crush. That was the only reason I trained until things started getting real," Lloyd sighs having a far away look clearly he was just talking not even realizing Marionette was there anymore.

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