More secrets?!

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Adrien transforms to Cat Noir and used his staff to break the connection of the water tendril and broke out. His three friends were in shock, but he could deal with that later.

The two villains stood shocked at this change and so was Hawkmoth.

"My son is Cat Noir? All this time and I never knew," Hawkmoth said too himself in shock.

Adrien or Cat Noir swung his staff and hit the water villain who fell back loosing her concentration on the water and the fire villain got too her quickly. Cat Noir turned seeing his friends all in wide eyed shock. "Okay anyone else got any secrets?" Alya asks out loud. Before she could get a response Cat Noir had too block a fire blow with his staff.

"Get his ring, but do not hurt him!" Hawkmoth yelled at the villains.

"As long as you keep your end of the deal Hawkmoth," Oceana said recovering. "Look I will explain later call the ninja!" Cat Noir yelled at them and Alya whipped out her phone dialing the ninja. Zane picked up on the second ring. "Hello Alya we have located the whereabouts of the realm crystal and Jay and Nya are retrieving it now," Zane said. "ZANE! THERE ARE TWO AKUMATIZED VILLAINS IN THE MUESUEM TRYING TOO KILL MR. SANDERS AND ADRIEN IS CAT NOIR!" Alya screams into the phone. It was silent before Zane replies. "Was that not known?" Zane asks. "Wait you knew Adrien was Cat Noir?" Alya asks. "Yes I used my facial recognition software. Took awhile, but I eventually connected the dots did you not know? I thought everyone did?" Zane said sounding truly confused. "JUST GET HERE!" Alya yelled into the phone. "Me and Kai are on our way," Zane said before hanging up. "Kai and Zane are coming," Alya said right as Cat Noir was flung into a class case containing some serpentine scrolls. "Ow," Cat Noir mumbles.

"Give us the ring or tell us where our babies are and we will leave you alone and not melt you," Vulcan said. "Did you try looking under the bed? I always hid under my bed when hiding from angry parents," Cat Noir said with his usual joking manner. "We are not angry at them we are angry at that man for-wait? Where did that sorry excuse for a elemental master go?" Oceana looked around not seeing the man in question anywhere. "You distracted us so he would get away! You are going too pay for making us loose the only lead too our babies!" Both of them yelled and water surrounded Oceana while fire surrounded Vulcan. Cat Noir stood in front of his friends who did not know what to do. Marinette was still in total shock staring at Cat Noir.

Adrien is Cat Noir?! And I kissed him?! OMG! I am going too faint! Wait should I transform? We still need too capture the akuma.

Before anything could be shot a ice blast came from behind the two villains and they all looked seeing Zane and Kai at the door way on the other end ninja masks on. "Guess you two need a history lesson in manners," Kai said cocky. "Stay out of this. We need too punish Krux for everything he took from us!" Vulcan said his fire burning so hot it turns blue. "And Hawkmoth said he will give us back everything while getting rid of Krux," Oceana said. Zane and Kai looked at each other zero clue who Krux is. "You are out numbered give up your akuma or we will have too use force," Zane said calmly. "Alya, Marinette, and Nino leave for your safety now," Kai said. Trying too take the advice they tried too leave only for the way too be blocked by a wall of water. "No one is going anywhere," Oceana said. "Always choosing the hard way," Kai said with a tsk tsk sound.

"Ninja-go!" Zane and Kai broke into spinjitzu ice and flames covering each of them as Kai took on Oceana and Zane took on Vulcan. "Take cover," Cat Noir orders and the four parisians took cover under a bench as the ninja battled it out with the two akumatized villains. Vulcan and Zane were fairly equal and Vulcan comments with a tired laugh. "Your just like ice cold and calculating," He said before shooting a giant blue beam of fire knocking Zane into a painting. "But I always beat him in a fair fight," Vulcan said mockingly similar too how Kai mocks a villain during a fight. Zane was stunned at Vulcan's words. "You knew him?" Zane asks. "Of course he was a great fighter and friend. We fought together in war," Vulcan said. Zane was shocked and things started too click into place, but he could not believe his own results. He did not have much time too think before dodging another blast of blue flames.

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