Ladybug and cat noir

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Nya was heading off to my next class when Nya, Cole, and Zane heard screaming. We all ran over to see people running away as a figure walks over and picks up a girl who looked utterly terrified. "You will admit what you have done!" He screams at the girl and the voice sounded familiar. "But I've done nothing wrong." The girl pleads. "Hey leave her alone man." Cam said. The stranger turns to Cam and gets his sword out. He sends his sword in a swiping motion and a wall of fire comes out from it. It turns solid on impact with Cam and wraps him in silver chains and he falls to the ground.

"Okay I don't know who that is but he needs a beat down." Cole said as he was about to sprint off at the figure Nya grabs his shoulder just as Jay and Lloyd showed up looking out of breath. "Butterfly... evil...locket" Jay breaths out between gasps. "I think Jay's lost it." Cole said. "No in this realm there's this guy who controls people and makes them villains. By feeding off negative emotions and that's Kai!" Lloyd explains pointing at the figure who just shot a line of fire at the whole gym class who was wrapped in chains except Lila. "What!?" The three ninja exclaim. "It's true we saw it ourselves Kai was getting sent to the principal's office because that Lila girl made it look like he attacked her for no good reason." Jay said pointing at Lila. "What was the reason?" Zane asks. "She broke his locket and the class started defending her actions." Lloyd said. They all give each other a glance it was no secret how important that locket was to him.

They turn back at the scene to see a teenager in a black cat suit standing nearby with a cocky grin. "What's your name? Fire hair?" Cat noir asks. "It's inferno and you better hand over the miraculous." Inferno said. "Yeah no." Ladybug said showing up to the scene. "Ladybug help me!" Lila screams out. "Silence!" Inferno orders Lila as thick silver chains cover her. "I will deal with you later." He said dropping Lila to the ground. He turns his attention to the two heroes and shoots a blast of fire at them that they managed to dodge but blew up a wall in the process. "She's a devil! Why do you help her?" Inferno screams at the heroes as he keeps sending blasts of fire at them. "Well it's part of the job." Cat noir replies with a shrug.

"Kai! What are you doing?" Nya screams out at her brother. "Your brother is a psychopath!" Lila screams at Nya. "No one speaks to her like that!" Inferno screams at Lila and stomps his foot hard enough that he makes a small tremor that knocks everyone off balance. "That's my thing!" Cole said. "You need to all leave!" Ladybug said pushing them into the nearest classroom. "But he's my brother I got to do something!" Nya shouts at her. "We'll help you brother don't worry." Ladybug said as she locked the door and took off to go help Cat noir.

"We know your upset about the locket but please calm down and hand over the akuma." Ladybug said. "It was all I had left." Inferno yells at them shooting more and more blasts of fire at them. "What was so important about it?" Cat noir asks. "None of your business." Inferno said as he shot another blast at Cat noir. Ladybug was busy cutting the chains off of everyone else as they ran off to safety. She was about to do Lila when she suddenly had a thought. "Who gave it to you?" Ladybug asks gaining the villains attention. "It doesn't matter." Inferno answers. He blasts Ladybug and it actually hits her as she's flung into the wall and metal chains are wrapped around her. "It seems to matter." Ladybug said as she tried to get out of her binds. "No it doesn't." Inferno said as he reached out and went for her earnings. Cat noir stopped him just in time by spraying him with the fire hose. Inferno instantly weakens as Ladybug's chains melted away and she was freed. Seeing he was in a disadvantage inferno grabs Lila and skillfully climbs up the wall of the school onto the roof and disappeared with a screaming Lila.

"Well we know he hates water just as much as cats." Cat noir said turning off the fire hose. "We need to know more about this locket that was so important to him. It might help us." Ladybug said turning to the classroom that she had locked the five teens in who were still trying to get out. She goes over and opens it as they tumble out. "So what can you tell us about what happened?" Cat noir asks them. "We weren't there personally but that Lila girl kinda deserves what's happening to her." Lloyd said. "Yeah who could do such a thing? Kai didn't do anything to her." Nya grumbles. "All this fuss over a broken locket?" Cat noir said and instantly regretted it when the girl pulls hard on his ears. "He has a right to be mad." Nya snarls at him before letting go. "He was falsely accused that's the point and we want to help." Lloyd said desperately. "The best you can do is stay here where your safe." Ladybug said and gestures for Cat noir to go. He nods and goes off with Ladybug close behind him leaving the teens feeling hopeless.

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