28 - Sticks and Campfires

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A/N: Updates are happening again, every Monday! Since it's been awhile, check out the previous chapter if you'd like a refresher of what's happened so far :)

A/N: Updates are happening again, every Monday! Since it's been awhile, check out the previous chapter if you'd like a refresher of what's happened so far :)

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The campfire is the only thing keeping me from shivering into insanity.

Jin set up the tents and offered to make us dinner earlier, but no one was in the mood to eat. Huddled in our jackets now, a silence hangs over all of us - it's a dark, brooding, thick silence mingled only with the faintest murmurs of crickets and leaves scattering across the ground.

It's a cold silence... a dreadful one that sinks in and stays.

Jimin and Suga are gone.

And it doesn't help that my final memory of Jimin is a choreographed fight with the Commander. A part of me is painfully hurt, but the other part is just confused.

I still miss him.

Even if he's a traitor, I miss him - I admit it to myself. I miss his presence and the comfort he always gave me no matter the situation.

But his kindness, his personality, his dramatic reactions that always made J-Hope laugh... could that all have been an act? I wonder where he is now, if he's safe. Maybe the Commander is doing terrible things to him...

Snap out of it, Y/n. Jimin is fine.

J-Hope throws a new bundle of kindling into the fire. Jin and Taehyung keep the flames going while Namjoon stares into it emptily.

We're all quiet except for Jungkook - unable to stay still any longer, he starts pacing around us relentlessly. Rocks and sticks fly into the distorted air, forming a vortex of the roiling emotions inside him that I can easily feel from where I sit. There's fury and confusion and dismay. So many things. The air whirls with his mindset.

No one bothers to stop him. Then, having watched the swirling patterns for long enough, Jin clears his throat.

"... did any of you notice anything suspicious before today?" he asks delicately. "About Jimin?"

Taehyung shakes his head. J-Hope and I follow. After some thinking, Jungkook does the same and his little tornado relaxes from the diverted attention.

"I've noticed," Namjoon mumbles.

We turn to him with expectant gazes.

He looks around at all of us, then sighs and rubs a hand over his face. The campfire light emphasizes the contrast and shadows on him and, suddenly, for the briefest of moments, I see an uncanny resemblance of the green soldier from before - but I blink and shake my head. My exhaustion must be reaching a new level now, at this time of night.

I look back up at the tired leader of six.

"Jimin must've brought both letters," he says in a low voice. "The first one was on her windowsill, and the only person who went near Y/n's room at all was Jimin when he walked her to her room. Then he also happens to find the second letter a few days later... I don't think those are coincidences."

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