20 - IDEA

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The conversation is getting

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The conversation is getting... nowhere.

Absolutely nowhere.

"So what we need to do is stay," Namjoon says for the uptenth time.

Jimin huffs. "I still think we need to leave."

It's the two of them back and forth, back and forth, in a never-ending tennis match watched by the rest of us.

" - that would leak the other locations -"

" - what does it matter?! It's dangerous to stay too -"

The problem isn't the topic - it's the people. Namjoon is great at bringing up solid points, while Jimin is better at poking holes in all his arguments. They're equal in their specialities.

It's the similar skill levels that's dragging the argument on, and on, and on...

Eventually J-Hope works up the courage to raise his hand and put an end to it. "Uhh... guys? This isn't really getting anywhere..."

Namjoon and Jimin stop and turn to face the rest of us.

Without their arguing, the room becomes quiet.

Very quiet.

"... you do know that the rest of us still exist, right?" J-Hope says.

"Ohhh. I thought we were doing a debate," Namjoon responds. "And then whoever wins is the choice we'd end up agreeing with."

The rest of us shake our heads.

"Let's vote, then. Why didn't I think of this earlier?" Namjoon says, switching gears. "Everyone who wants to stay?"

Namjoon puts his own hand up, followed by Jin and Taehyung.

"Everyone wanting to leave?"

Suga and Jimin put their hands up together at the speed of light. Then J-Hope adds his hand in, too, earning a nod of approval from them.

"Jungkook, you haven't voted yet," Jin notices. "And neither have you, Y/n."

"Oh." I blink. "Right."

That brings me back to reality - I was so fascinated watching the whole thing that I completely forgot I existed.

"Honestly," Jungkook says, "I'm fine with anything as long as we don't split up. That's how people die in horror movies."

Jin groans. "Oh for goodness sake Jungkook, we are not in a horror movie -"

" - it doesn't hurt to be cautious - "

"Who cares about horror movie logic?"

"I care!" Jungkook grins, "Because you can't deny the fact that there's logic in staying together!"

Jin struggles to respond. He ends up saying nothing and settles on glaring at Jungkook, who just smiles innocently.

Suga watches in the sidelines, eyes distant in quiet contemplation.

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