6 - Sprints

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Should I trust him? Follow him out? But how much trouble would that get me into?

Sure he might be lying, but the worst thing that could happen if I follow him is that we both get into trouble - which is unlikely, seeing that his disguising capabilities (whatever it is) is still holding

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Sure he might be lying, but the worst thing that could happen if I follow him is that we both get into trouble - which is unlikely, seeing that his disguising capabilities (whatever it is) is still holding.

On the other hand, the worst that could happen if I don't follow him is that whatever he said is true, and the mad government scientists will actually come and study me.

"Alright," I say weakly, having made my decision. He helps me get off the bed.

The moment my feet touch the floor, two nurses come speed walking in our direction. I freeze in fear, but yellow shirt guy only looks at me with amusement.

"Shouldn't she be awake by now?" one of the nurses asks. I'm immediately confused.

"Yes. It's taking much longer than usual though," the other replies. I suddenly figure out that they're staring past us and onto the bed. I send a look at a yellow shirt guy. He looks at me with a knowing smile on his lips and raises his eyebrows in response.

The first nurse shifts in agitation. "No matter. Tell the doctor to get the first test ready. If she's not awake by then, we'll just have to wake her up."

"Won't that affect her healing process?"

"Not at all." She purses her lips in thought. "I don't think so, especially with how powerful she already is."

"Alright then," the second nurse scribbles notes on a clipboard. "I'll tell him as soon as possible."


I watch them walk away, lost in panicked thoughts. I register conversation going on in the room, but the sounds are hushed. Nowhere as lively as before.

Yellow shirt guy nudges me and brings me back to the present. The sense of urgency is back in his tone. "Y/n, let's go!"

I give him a nod, finding myself unable to speak, and I let him lead me out of the room.

No one notices that I'm gone.


I've never been in the hospital portion of my high school before, so I don't know my way around. I observe the turns that we take as I set off down the hallway with the yellow shirt guy.

Speaking of which, it would be nice to get a name out of him.

"Is it okay if I ask what your name is?"

"Of course," he says, and his friendly demeanor is back. "You can call me J-Hope."

"That's a cool name," I say as we turn to the right and set off down another hallway.

"It's a nickname," he replies. Then he looks behind us and, seeing that no one else is there, he motions for us to go faster. We start jogging.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Outside. We're getting you out of here."

"But where's everyone else?"

"Inside, of course."

"But where -"

"I don't know," he says, and a hint of wonder works its way into his voice. "It's been a long time since I've finished the test myself. But that's besides the point. Right now we need to make sure those nurses don't find you."

"So we're just running away from school?" We open the double doors at the side of the school and a red light goes off, but I don't hear any alarms.

"Temporarily, yes," he says, distracted. J-Hope saw the red light too.

Footsteps are thumping down the hallway in synchronized steps. I look back behind us and see shadowy outlines of people just around the corner. Then I actually catch a glimpse of all of them. They have their weapon-sticks (whatever they're called) at the ready, their navy blue uniforms dark and threatening. It feels like the entire security team is on to us.

I feel panic rise inside of me. Running out of Freedom Academy without permission results in one of the worst consequences. But this is better than being held hostage by those mad doctors... right?

"Go go go!" he rushes forward, and I make myself go out into a full sprint as we dash out of the school. I was wary about this whole 'breaking the rules thing' but I wasn't about to turn myself in to security.

"WHERE?!" I yell. My vision shakes as I leg it down the road, practically flying over the campus.

No response.

Panicked, I look to the side to see why. J-Hope is muttering a bunch of words under his breath, so I dial in to his voice without slowing down my running speed.

"... I've used the light all up, and I don't have any more energy reserved, and I can't hear you over the thumping footsteps of security, so can you please get the truck over here? And hurry!"

Something about a truck. Got it.

Not that J-Hope would know I knew. But maybe he knows that I know. And now I know that he knows that I know, but does he know that -?

A red pickup truck comes tumbling down the road, its headlights vivid and bright even through the middle of the day. I see a familiar head of coconut hair bouncing in the driver's seat as the truck makes its way over the gravel.

Relief floods over me.

I start running toward the pickup truck, but J-Hope grabs my wrist and pulls me in the other direction. I want to fight against him and run to Jungkook, but his iron grip makes me give up before I even start.

"WHY?" I ask as the security guards evenly divide themselves into two groups.


But what if something actually happens to Jungkook?

Worried, I risk a glance back and see that the red truck is completely swarmed by the guards. But if I were to rush back and help, I would get myself captured too...

I look back the other way to catch up to J-Hope.

But he's slowing down. And I immediately figure out why.

A wall of security guards is coming towards us at the front. I think about running around them but by the speed they're going, we might not be able to make it.

So we stop. J-Hope is visibly tired.

The running stops.

The thumping stops.

The yelling stops.


I hate the silence. I try to comfort myself by searching through the depths of my mind for music, but nothing comes to me. My mind remains blank and the world seems to put itself on mute in this moment.

The principal wobbles up to the front. I narrow my eyes at him.

The odds are clearly stacked against us.

But I'm not about to surrender.



He creeps through the area silently, leaving the frozen leaf behind him.

He watches the scene play out in the front of him. When he realizes that the pickup truck is a distraction, he raises his eyebrows in surprise.


He creeps closer to the scene... and finally finds her.

Y/N Park.

Brace yourself.


A/N: The plot is now in full swing!
The next few chapters are gonna be a blast 🤗

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