34 - Missed

589 45 68

A/N: Disclaimer, the science in this chapter isn't very accurate. I just thought it'd be cool and it kind of works out sooo :)

 I just thought it'd be cool and it kind of works out sooo :)

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It could be someone else, he tells himself. Not me.

But then, why would the light flash in a storage room?

Jimin sighs in frustration. Nevermind running out of this unscathed - he'll have to rely on the librarian for defense and escape somehow by the skin of his teeth.

He hopes the fuzz was strong enough for the librarian to not realize he's in here.

All the Fighters are coming, he scribbles. The odds are against you.

Target is Jungkook not Y/n.

"Hey, I'm not letting you just strut into my storage room! No sir!"

The librarian's voice.

Security's here.

Jimin curses under his breath. The muffled commotion outside makes him write impossibly faster.

Be careful. Forget me. Keep yourselves safe I'll be okay

It occurs to him, right then and there, that the note is beginning to sound like a goodbye. A final one.


They're pounding on the door now.

Jimin's hand trembles more and at this point he's so nervous that he can't really even focus anymore, there are tears in his eyes he's so scared but surely this was the right choice-

Don't stay for me i'm lost hope runn


Any moment now and the door will break down. The last line is barely readable with the 'n' in run traveling across the page in panic.

Done! Jimin's mind cries in relief. Get out get out -

He crumples the paper and holds it tightly in his fist as his eyes dart around the room for a second exit.

There isn't one.

He looks at the ceiling.

There's a tile with bars, and a tall pile of boxes leading up to it.

A vent.

A way out.


He's almost caught under the doorway as it's torn off the hinges. Jimin runs to his only hope of escape, eyes glued to the tile, and reaches out-


Jimin ignores them.


The lights cut out.

This tactic works on most people, since everything becomes disorienting in the dark which usually intimidates them into surrendering.

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