3 - Shifty Shifty

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Maybe, after all these years, I've finally met a true friend.

I continue doodling in my notebook even after Jungkook leaves in an effort to keep my mind off the nerve-wracking situation

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I continue doodling in my notebook even after Jungkook leaves in an effort to keep my mind off the nerve-wracking situation. I try not to overthink anything.

There are only a few other people left in the room. My name is bound to get called any time now.

"Y/n Park and Jackson Potter!"

Ah, there it is.

"And, er, Y/n, you're not allowed to bring that notebook into the testing room. I can hold onto it and give it to you when you've finished."

"Yes sir." I don't want to let go of my notebook, but I recognize the suggestion as an order. He nods in approval when I reluctantly hand my notebook over to him.

"You may go in."

I sigh and walk through the blank white door. To my doom.


I close the door behind me. When I turn around to face the room, a very long and empty hallway stretches out before me. There is nothing but silence in the secluded place. The walls are made of faded, brownish bricks. Dead leaves are sitting quietly in piles all over the ground.

I hesitantly make my way forward and find that it isn't just a hallway - it's a maze. I jump up to try and look over the walls, but I'm too short to see anything.

After poking around the place for a while, I decide to be stereotypical and turn left whenever I'm faced with a fork in the path.

After about three lefts however, the scene around me changes and I'm put on a different path.

I wait for the scene around me to change completely before looking around. I'm on a dirt road, the sun is shining brightly... and wow. What a beautiful blue sky.

I must be outside.

Ahead of me is a fork in the road.

The left pathway goes towards the ocean and the right pathway leads to the forest. I look in both directions, thinking carefully.

I'm not tripping over tree roots today, thank you very much.

I turn toward the ocean.


I'm already salty enough having to go through this test as it is.

So maybe not.

After a moment, I decide to turn all the way around. I want to go back to where I came from without making a choice. The test can't force me to do that... right?

Before I can do it though, the scene around me changes again. Slower this time.

Now I'm faced with two different houses. One is a cabin and the other is a beautiful mansion. I stare at them for some good few moments before deciding to look behind me instead.

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