23 - The Tree-Home

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Jungkook and I sneak to the kitchen on our tippy toes

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Jungkook and I sneak to the kitchen on our tippy toes.

I'm still trying not to laugh at his hair. The right half is bright pink while the other half remains dark brown, unfinished.

"The letter says it wants us to meet up on September 25th, which is tomorrow," Namjoon's voice drifts from the kitchen. "So if we leave tomorrow afternoon, we should arrive on time in the evening."

Then several voices talk all at once in discussion.

Namjoon perks up when he sees us entering the kitchen. "Ah, Y/n and Jungkook! We were just discussing how to get to the meeting on time."

Conversation is still going on in the background, but Jungkook's direct gaze on Namjoon expands the silence between the three of us. "Hyung," Jungkook says when I'm about to ask him why, "Why are we meeting up at all? They're sending us these letters, they know where we are. Why can't we just run away and stay safe?"

"We could set up a negotiation with them," Namjoon replies without missing a beat. "So we won't have to be on the run anymore."

I think about it for a moment.

Despite Namjoon's reasoning, I still agree with Jungkook. "Who's to say they'd keep up their end of the deal though?"


"I don't know about you," I continue, "but I wouldn't put my bet on those government officials telling the truth all the time. If anything they'll make us feel safe and sound and then - BAM! - we're all dead. And then I'm taken to a lab somewhere deep underground where the scientist people start experimenting -"

"- and that's the last thing we want to happen," Jungkook stops me from going any further. "In other words, bad idea."

Namjoon's gaze travels from Jungkook to me. Something seems off.

When his gaze reaches me, I look down to avoid it.

He sighs. "Listen... I really don't want to get into this negotiation mess either. But if we don't take this chance, then we'll live a life full of running and hiding. It'll be a stalemate. And once they find a way to track us down faster, we're doomed, you understand?"

He doesn't wait for a response. "I think about you guys all the time. I stay up at night because I'm worried about us. I want to keep us safe. And let me tell you, I'll never be able to forgive myself if we pass by this opportunity -" he holds the letter up "- without taking advantage of it. So you're right, Y/n. There's only a small chance that this'll work out. But it's there. It exists. So why not give it a try?"

What a smart guy.

I peek over at Jungkook hoping he'd have a rebuttal, but he seems just as stunned as I am: eyes wide and staring off into space.

"Okay okay," I say, putting my hands up. "You win. We're leaving tomorrow. Why do they want us to meet up, anyway?"

Namjoon throws the mask at me. I catch it.

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