16 - Windswept

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"Well then," Jimin smiles. "We've got a lot to teach you."

I take back what I said about this hobbit hill place looking pathetic

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I take back what I said about this hobbit hill place looking pathetic.

It's massive.

Base C is a living example of how looks can be deceiving.

As if the living room wasn't big enough, each tunnel-room could not be more different from one another with their unique aesthetics. My head spins with the information that Jimin rapid-fire tells me.

He never stops talking. He just talks...  

"The blue tunnel here leads to Namjoon's room because he controls electricity. I honestly think his room is the coolest. And he's thinking of dying his hair blue too!"

... and talks... 

"My room is closest to the green couch and it's next to the treehouse tunnel. Jungkook once gave me a cool ring for my birthday, apparently it's a good luck charm thing. Now it's hanging on my door. There's an identical one on his, too."

... and talks.

"We also have a music studio where Suga likes to produce music. He stays up through the night to work on that stuff, which is why he's always tired during the day."

I try my best to soak in all the details I can by separating the important information from Jimin's rambles: Location of the bathroom? Important. Details about the time Namjoon tried to make the toaster work with his electric powers instead of plugging it in? Not as important. (But still fun to listen to.)

Most of our time is spent crawling through each of the tunnels. After visiting each room, we'd have to crawl all the way back to the living room before heading down another tunnel.

"Is there another way to get to each room?" I eventually ask as we enter a white colored one - two more to go. "Why all the separate tunnels?"

Jimin pauses in his rambling to think about it for a moment. "It was Namjoon's design. He said something about making sure that if some bad guys were to break in, they'd have a harder time getting into our rooms or something...? I think? Anyway, it is what it is," he shrugs. "You kind of get used to it after awhile."

We arrive at a door.

"This is Jungkook's room."

I perk up at the mention of Jungkook's name. As Jimin pushes it open to reveal the inside, I notice a little golden ring hanging on the door - likely the good luck charm that Jimin had talked about.

Then I set my gaze on Jungkook's room.

If it had to be described in one word, it would be whimsical.

Like the vines in the living room, Jungkook has white ceiling drapes hanging in a similar fashion. The open window lets in a cool breeze that makes the ceiling drapes flow in the air, giving the room a gentle windswept feel to it. 

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