14 - Inside the Hobbit Hill

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That's all the time I have to observe them before I get dragged inside by the guy with the wooden spoon.

That's all the time I have to observe them before I get dragged inside by the guy with the wooden spoon

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The door locks behind us. It's immediately pitch black, save for a little beam of light coming in through the peephole.

Then the three of them are off. I hear footsteps walking further and further away from me, but I'm hesitant to go without knowing where I'm headed. I don't trust myself to walk without seeing where I'm going.

Even with my sight, I could trip over air itself.

"Feel along the walls," I hear the wooden spoon guy's voice in the darkness. He must've noticed me hesitating. "After a while, there will be light to guide the way. Trust your sense of touch."

I stick my arms out around me to feel for a nearby wall. Once I do, I slide my hands along it, following the footsteps of the other people in my group.

I make sure to pick up my feet super high so my chances of tripping are lower.

Sure enough, after a short while, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I exhale in relief. No tripping for my clumsy self today!

Happy with my victory, I eagerly follow Jimin and J-Hope into the connecting room while Wooden Spoon Guy follows along behind me. The tunnel gets shorter, so we go down to a crawl.

Then I look up to see the room...


The place inside is enormous.

At the center of the circular room are four couches of different colors: red, yellow, blue, and green. The carpet looks so soft. There's a huge tv sitting above a grand fireplace. Bookshelves line the walls. Little trails of decorative vines hang from the ceiling, giving the place a wild yet homey look. There are unfinished board games and random puzzle pieces left innocently on the tables and floor. I recognize this as the main living room, and there's a kitchen off to the left.

It's all so aesthetic.

Then I notice little tunnels placed along the wall of the circular living room much like the one we just came through. The bookshelves break perfectly around the tunnels, providing a satisfying entrance to... wherever the tunnels lead to.

I count twelve tunnels in total, all in different colors. Could those be the living quarters?

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

I spin around to find Jimin looking at me with wide, curious eyes.

"Yeah it is," I offer him a gentle smile. "It's much better than my room at school."

Jimin nods. "Yeah, I've been there. It's terrible."

I find myself agreeing with him.

The dormitories at Freedom Academy aren't the most ideal. Six students are stuffed into one tiny room. The bunk beds are located on one side, and there's just enough space left for little individual lockers - our only box of privacy. I could stand in the middle of the room and touch each side without moving my feet.

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