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"Alright, let's knock some sense into them

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"Alright, let's knock some sense into them."

"They can't treat Jimin like that."

The letter was like a giant switch. Suddenly everyone's talking over each other, with J-Hope and Namjoon arguing about battle tactics, Taehyung joining them with ridiculous new ideas that Namjoon argues impractical but J-Hope argues can be an "innovative surprise", and Jin and Suga are in another group talking about how to go about this and where exactly to head to, and I, completely lost all the buzz of activity, hang onto Jungkook's hand for dear life because it feels like I might get blown away by the sheer amount of chaotic energy in the air. Like a blizzard.

A chaotic energy blizzard.

Jungkook stays quiet, too, which I'm a-thousand-times-over thankful for because that means I'm not expected to speak either. The sudden rise in volume is disorienting enough as it is.

"Okay people, Jimin says they're coming before sunset," Jin points at the letter. "So we wait for them to come to us, or we pack our bags and get them first."

"How do we get them if we don't even know where to go?" Suga asks.

"I don't know."

"What does the letter say?"

"It just says they're coming for us. Before sunset!"

"Then how are they even planning to find us?"

Jin throws his hands up in the air. "How am I supposed to know?!"

"Uhh, you guys... "

Jungkook stops when no one listens. There's sadness and urgency fighting in his eyes. He glances at me, unsure, and I tilt my head to encourage him.

"Hyungs!" He steps closer and waves with his free hand (the one not being strangled to death by my grip - I sheepishly loosen my hold when I realize that). "You guys, I think I might know!"

Jin and Suga stop.

They look over at the same time in the exact same fashion, like a mirror. I would've clapped if not for the current circumstances.

"There's no easy way for me to say it directly, but..." Jungkook presses his lips together. "Where are most of the Fighters located at any point in time? And... and Jimin's worst nightmare is Training Headquarters. So... that's the most, likely, uh, place. I think."

His voice trailed off as he spoke, quieter and quieter until we were straining to hear. But I still got the message, and one glance at Jin and Suga only confirms my dismay.


We have to go back there.

Suddenly the prospect of getting Jimin back doesn't feel nearly as fun. And as ridiculous as the possibility sounds, it makes sense. Where else could they take him?

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