11 | Wedding Bells

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the dara to my cl; the chan to my baek. the wow to my me 2. the 100 to my 80. the WHY THE FUCK YOU to my ALWAYS LYIN mMM! and most of all, the ghiblis, to my jaeiin. Dedicated to my lovely Lealea, I love you to no end.


— Chapter 11 

Wedding Bells


My alarm clock rang seemingly louder than it ever has before.  I flinched and pushed my hands to my ears with my comforter.  Couldn't I just sleep in after a long week of hard work, studying and designing the host club's cosplay?  Didn't seem like this was the case.

"Errrrr," I grumbled, wanting to smash that alarm clock more and more as it persisted.  I couldn't stand how irritating the sound was, so I finally made every attempt to jam my eyes open and slam the off button on the alarm clock. 

I wondered why on earth I'd set my alarm at such an early hour, but then remembered the fact that Fuyumi's wedding was taking place in what seemed to be only a few hours.

I yawned and stretched, and then rushed to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and do whatever it is that I usually do in the morning to get ready.

Fuyumi told me that she already had the dress prepared for me to wear, so I pulled on whatever was clean, grabbed my bag, and sat and waited on the steps.  Kyouya had said he'd pick me up, as well as the other hosts.  As I cupped my hands to my mouth to make them warmer, I could see my breath creating a small cloud and drifting away. Winter was pretty much here already; there just wasn't snow yet.

And then the limo pulled up.  I hopped inside to see the host club sleeping.  To my surprise, every one of them had their eyes closed. I half-expected beforehand that they would be as awake as they were when I met Fuyumi for the first time, but I couldn't blame them.  I sighed and figured that I might as well have taken a nap, too.  I shut the door, leaned my head against the window, and closed my eyes, picturing what the host club would look like in the suits.  Well, suits and a dress, in my case.  I drifted off to sleep. 

"Welcome!" Fuyumi smiled, brimming with happiness as she opened up one of the huge pairs of double doors.  You'd think she was a host club member for a second, with the way she had both of her hands held out.

She was in a white robe.  A few maids where behind her, phoning stylists and making sure the wedding dress was not altered in any negative way.  Haruhi and the rest of the host club where somewhere else in the Ootori estate getting dressed in their suits while I was the only one out of the group that was going to be a bridesmaid.

"Hiroshi-chan, are you ready to be fitted?" she asked excitedly.  But it didn't really look like I had a choice since two maids had already grabbed me and dragged me into a dressing room! 

"Gah!" I yelled in shock. 

Without hesitation, when the doors closed, they pushed me into a cubicle and handed me the dress that the bridesmaids would be wearing.

"Miss Katou, please disrobe and try the dress on.  We'd like to see how it fits on you," one of the maids said.

I looked down at the strapless dress in my arms, and I quickly slipped into it.  The other maid had helped zip and button the back of it.  "It looks great on you, Miss Katou," she smiled.  I looked down. It fit me perfectly!  Fuyumi really guessed the correct size surprisingly well.

"No adjustments needed!" she said with a sigh of relief.  "Miss Katou, it's time to style your hair and do your makeup!"

Another lady walked into the dressing room; she wore some sort of black apron and had an entire cart of supplies.  I assumed she was both the hair stylist and the makeup person since I spotted scissors, bottles of product and tons of supplies somewhere in that cart of hers.

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