07 | The Sun, The Sea, and The Host Club

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Dedicated to Diana, a wonderful girl who has supported me for a very long time ♡ I can't begin to describe how grateful I am! (homegirl don't even get me STARTED on the fact that she's a kpopper too like,,, just shower her with love tHANKS) Keep on writing 


— Chapter 07 

The Sun, The Sea, and The Host Club


It was really interesting to see the city of Tokyo from high above. Several squares of building rooftops seemed to fit together perfectly, and the higher we were, the more the seas of people looked like microscopic dots that eventually disappeared below the clouds.

"Did you bring any sunscreen, Tama-chan?" Hani asked, turning his attention from the window towards Tamaki.

"Why of course!" the flamboyant blond yelped in reply. "How else would I be able to protect my skin from the sun's rays?" he asked, standing up to showcase the beauty he believed he had.

"Tamaki, sit down. The jet hasn't risen to the appropriate elevation for you to do that yet," Kyouya said, pulling his friend back to the seat beside him.

"Hm," I muttered as I rummaged through my bag.

"What's the matter, Hiro-chan?"

"I didn't pack sunscreen. But I guess it's all right. I don't think I get sunburned easily," I replied.

"So which beach are we going to, Kyouya-senpai?" Haruhi asked.

"My family owns a private beach along with a villa in Hokkaido."

Hikaru and Kaoru only stared curiously at him before responding. "But why can't we go somewhere like Fiji or the Caribbean?" they asked simultaneously.

I shot them a weird look. A private beach in Hokkaido was going to be the nicest vacation spot I'd ever been to. It bothered me a little that I had to take their preferences into consideration to explain my confusion.

Kyouya took a second to push his glasses up.  "Do you honestly think that people like Haruhi and Hiroshi have passports?"

These damn rich people.

* * *

I opened my eyes slowly, wondering how long I'd been asleep since I lied down next to Haruhi on the beach.  A gentle warm breeze passed by soon thereafter. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and seeing that beyond the umbrella's circle of shade shade was soft, white sand.  Sparkling blue waves continuously hit the shoreline, and, past the other frolicking hosts, I could see a boulder that was just big enough for several people to sit on.

Squinting my eyes to clear up my vision a little more, I could make out two people seated right beside each other on top of it: Tamaki and a starry-eyed guest. I was in earshot just enough to understand what they were saying.

"Tamaki, being with you here and just staring out into the ocean is like a dream," she told him shyly.

The flamboyant blond stared directly into her eyes with a charming smile. "My dear, if I could have my way, I'd be in your dreams every night."

"Oh, Tamaki," she smiled and blushed madly as he pressed his forehead to hers.

About fifteen other guests squealed in delight, standing in a single-file line beside the boulder, and Kyouya stepped in front of them, flipping his notebook open once more. "Your ten minutes with Tamaki are over at the moment, miss," he said, looking up towards the pair. "Will the next lady in line please come forward?" he asked, motioning to the girl in front of him.

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