Chapter 43

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Alex POV

I wake up alone which is kinda depressing. All I remember from last night is Ben comforting me and John not. I get up and walk over to John's room. I knock on the door but he doesn't respond. He's probably asleep. I carefully open the door but I see he's not there and neither is any of his stuff.

"John?" I say, starting to panic. I look around the room and see a note with my name on it. I unfold it and it's from John.

I can't stay here another 3 days, I'll see you when you get home.


What the hell? Why would he just leave? I decide to call him.

"John? Where are you?" I say when he answers.

"I'm at the airport, didn't you see the note?" He asks.

"Yes, I did, but why? We're not leaving for another 3 days." I respond.

"I just wanna go home, so I'll see you in a couple of days," he says, and hangs up.

What's wrong with him?! I quickly get changed and on my way out I run into Ben. "Oh, hey where are you going?" He asks.

"John's apparently at the airport so I'm gonna go bring him back. He just said he doesn't wanna be here for another 3 days. Did he say anything to you last night?" I ask.

"Actually yeah, he got really mad at me for comforting you, then slapped me in the face" He says. He promised he wouldn't do that again what's wrong with him?

"Ugh! Okay thanks, I hope you're okay. I'll be back soon" I say and walk out.

I hop in a cab and go to the airport, the next flight back to New York which I assume is the one he's taking isn't for another hour. When I arrive there's still 45 minutes left. I run thought the airport and though the gate until I find him.

"John!" I yell as I walk over to him.

"Alex! What the hell are you doing here?!" he says.

"I could ask you the same thing! You can't just get mad at Ben for comforting me, slap him in the face and leave!" I shout.

"Are you seriously defending him?!" He says.

"Yes, I am, because he didn't do anything wrong!" I reply.

"You can be really stupid sometimes you know that? You're getting mad at me after hearing only his side, he's obviously trying to make me the bad guy here." John says.

"Oh, alright then, tell me how you didn't do anything wrong?" I says.

"Well, first you don't even care that another guy is coming into your room every night and sleeping in the same bed as you, then last night I wake up and rush into your room to see you perfectly fine cuddled up in his lap! Do you know what it feels like to see your fiancé in someone else's lap, not needing your help and especially after pretty much ignoring me for the past 2 days? Then he drags me out of your room and tells me you don't love me, and right now I'm thinking it's true!" He yells.

"You know, you could have come into my room at night but you didn't, and I'm sorry when I'm thinking about my brother dying, I'm not really thinking, 'Oh wait this is my friend not my fiancé'. I can't let me be nice to me'. Why would you ever think I don't love you?! We're engaged for a reason!" I shoot back.

"You know why I didn't come into your room? Because he said his mum was homophobic and of course I know that was bullshit but I wasn't gonna risk it, in case you forgot I was nearly killed by my homophobic dad! I also don't care that he was looking after you, I care that you didn't have a problem with him sleeping in the same bed as you - half naked! Oh, and maybe the reason I don't think you love me is because you introduced me as your friend, or that you don't care that he's in love with you OR the fact that you would obviously rather spend your time with him than me! Don't tell me I'm being dramatic because he told me himself he loves you and he doesn't care that we're engaged so now I'm gonna go board my flight and I'll see you in New York. Have fun with your new boyfriend!" he says and walks off.

Is all that true? Have I really been that much of a dick to him? Does Ben really love me? I get a cab back to Ben's house and go to my room to process everything he said.

I hear a knock on the door. "Yeah?" I say, and Ben opens the door.

"Hey, is everything ok?" he asks.

"No, but you're probably happy about that right?!" I exclaim.

"What do you mean?" He asks walking in and shutting the door behind him.

"What you said to John. You love me?" I say getting mad.

"Wha- I- Umm.." He stutters.

"Is it true or not?" I say standing up.

"Yes." He says sighing.

"He was right. Of course he was, he's always right" I say laughing.

"What are you talking about? John left cuz he didn't like the fact that he's not the only one that can calm you down," He says.

"No. He left because I was dumb enough to believe you were my friend, but you're not are you? You're just a pathetic liar who kept me away from my fiancé and told him I don't love him!" I say starting to raise my voice.

"Didn't he promise he'd never leave you? Who breaks a promise like that?" He asks trying to turn this away from him.

"Yes he did but he didn't leave me he just went home. To New York. Where we live together because he couldn't stand being stuck here with you." I shoot back.

"Alright then. You wanna know the real reason I came into you're room at night? Well I knew there was a storm coming and no one wants to deal with you screaming in the middle of the night. None of us care that your a orphan, none of us care that your brother died we all just want you to shut up, including John. What 22 year old is afraid of s small storm? I recon by the time you get back John will have moved out." He says getting really l close to my face.

I think about saying something but I just walk out. John's right. I can't believe I thought he was just being nice, I'm such and idiot. I pull out my phone and look when the next flight out of here is. There's one tonight at 6 so I still have some time to see some places.

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