Chapter 7

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A/N hey guys sorry this is a pretty long chapter, thanks so much if you're reading this and if you like this chapter please vote and comment. Oh also Trigger warning: mentions of abuse and lowkey/subtle self harm thoughts

I know him

John POV

"Well John's only had 1 other Boyfriend and well, they were dating for about 2 years and during those 2 years John didn't really hang out with us as much and we all kinda thought there was something wrong. Well it turns out he was very over protective to the point where if he talked to someone about anything other than school without him, he would well hit Joh... a lot" Herc says awkwardly.

"Holy Shit John is that true" Alex says and I nod slowly. Great he's gonna hate me now.

"Are you okay? Who was this guy anyway? John why didn't you tell me?" He say a almost scary way.

"Yeah I'm fine now, His name was Charles lee. And I didn't want you to get upset." I say still looking at the floor.

"Wait the same Charles Lee that 1 floor beneath us?!" He says looking shocked.

"Umm... yeah but he's changed." I say and Alex looks mad.

"I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Alex no. I swear he's changed, He told me he felt really bad about what he did and is doing everything he can to change." I say, I'm not lying but I'm probably not being completely honest. I just can't have Alex go down there I mean I know he's freakishly strong for someone so short but still Charles is pretty strong as well.

"John, I'll just talk to him okay?" He says walking out the door, Laf follows him.

Well great, now Alex is gonna be mad at be because we said no more secrets and he gonna hate me for being to weak to stand up to Charles or to weak to say no when he first asked me out/threatened me. Ugh this is why I told everyone not to tell anyone especially not any of my boyfriends.

Lafayette POV

I follow Alex out the door mainly to make sure he doesn't do anything to bad but I also kinda wanna see this play out. I follow Alex as quickly walks down a flight of stairs. "Umm Alex do you actually know what room he's in?" I ask as we turn down the hall.

"No but I can just knock on all of the until I find that dickhead" Alex says going to the first door.

"Excuse me are you Charles Lee sir?" He says surprisingly politely.

"No, I'm Aaron Burr sir, What do you need?" Burr replied, I've met him before and he seems relatively nice, A little work obsessed but I only thought that before I met Alex man that man is non stop.

"Could you tell me which room Charles Lee's in please?" Alex asked a little less nice.

"Oh well sure sir, He's just down 2 doors."

"Thank you" Alex says and Burr closes the door.

We get to the door Burr referred to and I whisper to Alex "Please try not to break any of his bones." Alex just shakes that off, I hope that was just him trying to be funny. Alex knocks on the door and A man opens it.

"You're Charles lee right?" He asks.

"Well yeah, what do you want?" Charles says

"Nothing, he doesn't want anything just close the door!" We heard John scream from the floor above, curse these stupid thin walls.

"Fuck off John I told you I wouldn't do anything bad." Alex yells up.

I grab Alex's arm "You might not want to be so rude to John, I'm pretty sure He already thinks you hate him now." I whisper.

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