Chapter 31

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A/N There's a lot of French in this so I had to use google translate so if you know French and this doesn't make sense I'm sorry.

The proposal

Herc POV
*Time skip, Sunday afternoon.*

Alex and John helped me plan most of tonight. I'm gonna go surprise him at his house soon and then take him to dinner then this place that Alex says is supposed to be one of the most romantic places in Paris and that's where I'm gonna propose.

I flag down a cab and drive to pick up Alex and John and we go to Laf's house. When we arrived his mother opens the door. I had already told her I was coming early but she doesn't know I'm gonna propose. "Oh tu es là, je vais chercher Lafayette. LAFAYETTE IL Y A UN SUPRISE POUR VOUS!" She says and I hear laf from up stairs. His family doesn't know English so it's a good thing I leant French for him.

"Je suis occupé, peut-il attendre?" He yells down. What the hell is he busy with?


"What are they saying? all I heard " I hear John ask Alex, he's the only one of the four of us that don't know French.

"She told Lafayette to come down and he said he was busy and she said he was just re-watching Sherlock and to get his ass down here" Alex whispers back and John nods.

We hear Laf walking down the stairs, "D'accord, quelle est la grande surprise?" He asks and his mum steps and side and his face lights up. "Herc what are you doing here?! I thought you weren't coming for another week!" He says running towards me and hugging me.

"I wanted to see you so I came early." I say smiling. "And I'm taking you out tonight."

"Yay. Okay tomorrow I'm gonna show you all of Paris! Oh hey John, Alex" He say excitedly then noticing them behind me. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We just decided to come with Herc. We'll leaving on Thursday." John says and Laf nods.

"Do you guys need a place to stay or....?" He asks.

"Oh no we're fine we've got a hotel." Alex says.

"Okay well come in! Oh and my dad's coming home later tonight and remember he's homophobic and doesn't know I'm pan or dating Herc so don't tell him" Laf say as we walk in.

"Wait what about me and Alex?!" John says nervously.

"Uh.. Probably best to just say best friends or something." He replies and they nod. We walk into the house and walk up the stairs. It's a pretty big house, I've only been here once before but I hadn't met his dad.

We walk upstairs into the living room and Laf's brother Michel is sitting at the table "Salut Hercule! Je pensais que tu ne viendrais pas avant une semaine," He says, last time I was here we talked a bit and he seems really nice and chill.

"Oh ouais, eh bien j'ai décidé de venir tôt pour surprendre Laf." I reply, with Laf's arms wrapped around me.

"Cool. Hey, je ne pense pas que nous nous sommes rencontrés, je suis le frère de Michel Lafayette" He says looking towards Alex and John. John just stares confused.

"Yo what'd he say?" John asks and Alex laughs.

"He says he's Michel Laf's brother." Alex replies. "C'est bon de te rencontrer, je suis Alex et c'est mon petit ami John mais il ne parle pas français" John just slowly nods still confused.

"Oh ouais, Laf m'a parlé de toi aussi et tu es comme le sien ... comment tu dis OTP" Michel replies and Alex blushes.

"What'd he say?" John asks Alex.

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