Chapter 11

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A/N hey guys heres chapter 11 enjoy. Also I figured I can't really write a Hamilton fanfic without a chapter with a storm so trigger warning: PTSD

I'm sorry

John POV

Time skip to semester break aka 8 week skip where they just went to classes and stuff (sorry Im very lazy)

After class me and Alex go into our rooms and pack. Once were done, we walk to the car park where Washington told us to wait for him. We soon realise we both still have things in the houses we used to live in. "John what do, some of my stuff from the Caribbean is there!"

"I dont know, we could just ask him, but I dont wanna be to much trouble." I say and Just as were talking or more freaking out, Washington walks over to us.

"Hey guys, you ready to go?" He asks leading us to his car. We in sit in the back and silently wait until we get there. "Oh by the way, all your stuff from your old houses were dropped of at my place so we shouldn't need to go back there." he says and we smile.

"Thanks." I say. This next 3 weeks is going to be the most awkward 3 weeks of my life.

We arrive about 20 minutes later and get out of the car. The house was surprisingly big. We walk inside and are greeted by Martha Washington and 2 big dogs. Alex jumps behind me when he sees the dogs running towards him and I laugh a little, "Alex chill they're not gonna hurt you."

"Oh sorry boys, they get a little excited when they meet new people," Mrs. Washington said, holding the dogs back. "There are 2 spare rooms upstairs, George do you wanna show them while I grab some of their stuff from the garage." She said and we followed Mr. Washington up the stairs.

"So the bathroom's just there and you're rooms are here." He said pointing to the two rooms. Alex looks at me nervously and grabs my arm.

"Umm....Sir, I think we were wondering I-if you would let us s-share a room?" I ask looking at my feet.

"Oh of course, and please call me George during the holidays, I'll let you get settled in then I'll bring up you're stuff," He says and walks off.

We walk into one of the rooms and there's a desk, walk-in wardrobe and a large bed with a Large TV in front of it. I sit on the bed and Alex signs and falls facedown on it. "Joooooooohhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnn"

"Whaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttt" I laugh lying down next to him.

"I love you." He says turning around.

"I love you too" I say rolling on top of him and kissing him.

"Wow John really? on our first night in our professor's house?" Alex says sarcastically.

"Oh shut up!" I say jokingly slapping him. "let's go get the rest of our stuff come on," I say pulling him up.

"I don't wanna come anywhere" He says smiling.

"You're so immature it's like dating a 2 year old."

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure that's illegal." He says and I drag him down stairs to get the rest of our boxes.

"Oh just so you know we'll be having dinner around 6:30." Mrs. Washington says as she sees us come down.

"Thanks Mrs. Washington." Alex says as wee take our boxes up.

"Martha, please." She says and we nod.

Once we've finished unpacking all our stuff we sit on the bed and I reach for the remote but Alex grabs my arm. "You we've still got like an hour until we have to go down and eat," he says smirking.

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