Chapter 27

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A/N Hey guys, thanks so much for 267 reads when I saw it I confused cuz like 2 hours ago it was like 160 so thx so much.


John POV
*Time skip to the end of the date around 8*

"I'll see you later John." Samuel says and walks off. I unlock the door and walk into the room and sit next to Alex on the couch.

"Hey babe, how was the rest of the date?" He asks wrapping his arms around me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"It was okay, kinda boring but I've had worse." I reply. "What did you tell Jefferson after I left?"

"Well I told him the truth and said we didn't break up and I don't love him and he seemed pretty cool with it, we're still gonna pretend we're dating so the others don't get suspicious" He says.

I look into his beautiful eyes and smile, "I love you so much Hamilton"

He looks at me and smiles as well, "I love you so much too Laurens."

*2 month later- last week of term*

It's almost the end of the 2nd term and the other's still don't know about me and Alex. they've been trying to set me up with other people and stuff like that but I keep either refusing or complaining about it to them, honestly I'm surprised they haven't caught on yet.

For some reason I woke up early today and Alex is still asleep. We still have like 3 hours until our first class starts. I detach myself from Alex's arms without waking him, I smile to myself as I remember the events of last night, Herc and Laf had a double date with Peggy and Maria and Eliza and Angelica went out somewhere together so we didn't have to worry about them hearing anything.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror, "Shit" I say to myself when I see my neck, collarbone and chest covered in hickeys.

"John?" I hear Alex says still half asleep.

"Shhh, baby go back to sleep we still have 2 hour's until we have to get up" I say stepping out of the bathroom.

"Only if you do too" He replies.

"Fine" I walk back over and climb in next to him.

"What happened to you're neck?" He asks sleepily.

"You." I reply and he smile.

"Oh yeah, sorry. deal with it later though" He says wrapping his arms around my waist and burring his head in my chest and falling back to sleep.

*Time skip to when they have to get up again*

"John get up" I hear Alex say but I ignore him and turn around. "John don't ignore me!" He wines.

"Ughhh I don't wanna go to class today" I groan putting a pillow over my head which he then steals.

"I don't care you have to," He says hitting me with the pillow and pulling the blanket off me

"Fine." I say sitting up and throwing a pillow at him and he giggles.

"So what are you gonna wear to cover your neck?" He asks laughing.

"I don't know this is you're fault you figure it out." I say.

"Why don't you just borrow concealer from one of the girls or Laf?" He suggests.

"Oh yeah I'll just go knock on their door and say 'hey can I borrow some concealer because I need to cover up the hickeys Alex gave me even though we're not dating'" I say sarcastically.

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