Chapter 10

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A/N Sorry I'm posting heaps but if I stop for a while I stop for a long time also what else am I supposed to do at 4am. Also the photo doesn't really relate to the chapter so don't worry. Trigger warning: attempted suicide.

Stay alive

Lafayette POV

We arrive at the hospital and we all run in to find John's room. I open the door and expect to see Alex But there's just a note in John's hand. "You guys where's Alex?" Angelica says looking around the room. Herc walks over and opens the letter in John's hand.

"You guys it's from Alex. 'My dearest, Laurens. I wish it were in my power my actions rather than words to convince you that I love you. I told you that something bad happens to those whom I love, I cannot stand to have you be one of those people even if it means my own sacrifice of not getting to be with you. I hope that this means you can be safe and live a long and happy life with someone you love.

A. Ham'"

"What do you guys think this means?" Eliza asked worried.

"Who many floors is the hospital?" I ask frantically, I have an idea of where he is but I hope I'm wrong.

"I think 3, why?"

"I'll be back." I say and run out the door towards the roof. I open the door to the roof and see a dark small figure standing on the edge. "Alex?" I say and he turns around.

"No Laf, please just go back to John and take care of him. It would make this a lot easier." he says, I can tell he's crying.

"No Alex, please come down. You can't do this to us, not to John." I start to walk over to him very slowly.

"I have to. I'm guessing you read the note, that was not addressed to you, so you know. something bad always happens to people I love. If I die it's one life over who knows how many."

"Alex, John needs you, he needs someone he can talk to, yes he has me, Herc and the girls but it's not the same. If you die it would only hurt him more. even though you guys haven't been dating that long he loves you and he would kill me if I let you die. We all care about you. You're own death is something that happens to everyone else, once it's gone it's not you who will miss it." I say walking closer until I'm just behind him.

He turns is head and I can see his tear struck face. "If we're using Sherlock quotes in this conversation then, Good bye John." He takes a step forward and jumps. I run. I run as I fast as I can to catch him. Thankfully John's on the 2nd floor so no one would see Alex dangling of the roof.

I pull him up by is arm. "Alex, please. John needs you. don't do this to him. He's been though enough lately he can't handle anything else." Thankfully he nods.

"I'm sorry, I- Can we just go back and see if he's awake yet?" He says and I nod and we start walking back inside. "Hey Laf?"


"Could you... not tell anyone about that. Especially not John." He asks looking down.

"Of course I won't, but I do think you should tell John, remember how mad you were he didn't tell you about Charles?" I say and Alex just sighs and nods.

John POV

I slowly open my eyes and I can see everyone crowded around my bed. Everyone except Alex and Lafayette. Suddenly I can feel my heart rate increase, where is he. I start to get up but Eliza, and Peggy who are a lot stronger than they look hold me down.

"John, relax." Eliza says calmly.

"Where's Alex?!" I yell still trying to get out of Eliza and Peggy's grip. I feel so bad, he told me everyone he loves gets hurt or dies and I said I wouldn't. He's gonna hate me.

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