Chapter 6

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A/N Hey, I hope you like this chapter, if you do please vote at comment.


Alex POV

The first day of class

I get up at around 8, my first class isn't until 9 so I still have time to get ready. I have my first class with Lafayette, Hercules and John. I wake up laf and then run into johns room and wake him and Hercules up.

"Ughhhh Alex we still have plenty of time" John groans.

"I'm sorry... I never went to school when I was in the Caribbean" I say pouting.

John sighs "alright fine but ur buying me a coffee"

"Yay!" I say dragging him up.

I go back to my room and get ready. When I'm ready I grab Laf and we go back into John's room and he and Herc are sitting on the couch on their phones.

"Come on, If you want coffee we have to go now. I don't wanna be late to class!" I say pulling them both up and we all walk to the campus coffee shop.

"Alex slow down, we still have like 45 minutes" John yelled while I dragged them down the hall.

"Yeah well your coffee order takes like 25 minutes to make" I reply.

We order and sit down in one of the booths. First my coffee comes out then laf and herc and finally Johns.

"So Alex are you excited?" Herc asked as I placed my empty cup down on the table.

"What gave it away?"

"Well maybe the fact that you just chugged that coffee and you got 6 shots of expresso in it."

"Well I didn't sleep at all, I'm excited bc I didn't go to high school I had learn everything myself. I'm sorry. but not that sorry we only have 10 minutes left hurry up!" I say.

"why do you always make us feel bad for you then go yell at us for random stuff?" John says

"Because if I didn't then there would be no point in having a traumatic childhood." I say happily and The others roll their eyes.

"OH I forgot to feed Kork!" John says quickly finishing his coffee and jumping up.

"who's Kork?" I say following behind him, Laf and Herc said they'd stay there and meet us in class.

"He's my turtle."

"YOU HAVE A TURTLE?!" I scream and he nods happily.

"I love them so much, they're my favorite animal!"

We walk into his room and he walks over to a small tank that has a turtle in in. John gets out a little container with some sort of turtle food in in and puts some of it in the tank.

"We still have like 5 minutes until class and it only takes about one minute to get there and the teacher's always at least 5 minutes late you can stop pulling out you're hair" John said laughing as I lower my hands from my hair.

John closes the lid to the tank and walks over to me, rapping is arms around my waist pulling me in and kissing me.

"hmm, John- mhmm we have- mmm- to go" I say between him kissing me.

"We've got time"

"I know baby but I really don't wanna be late to my first class"

John sighs "Okay" he takes my hand and we start to walk towards the classroom when we run into someone.

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