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Lauren Hart

"Where's my damn Laptop!"

I groaned the tenth time. I had been searching for it in my room but I couldn't find it. It was as though it went invisible. I was restless and frustrated, not because I couldn't find my laptop but because I desperately wanted to distract myself by doing work.

It was ten in the morning yet I hadn't stepped out of my room, not even for breakfast. I asked Renee to bring the breakfast to my room because my stupid self didn't want me to open the door for anyone, fearing I would come face to face with him.

Yes, I had been avoiding him completely. I hadn't seen him after whatever happened a night before in his study. I couldn't face him without turning tomato red so I decided to avoid him. It was so not me yet I was doing it. I never hide from anyone. I face every situation strongly but that kiss from him had changed me overnight. It was exceptionally odd.

Strangely, he didn't come to ask for me nor did he knocked on my door a single time. Could it be he was avoiding me as well? Was he regretting kissing me? No! Why would he regret it? He took the advantage of me; he accepted with his own mouth that he wanted to kiss me and had done it before once.

I let out a frustrated sigh and rubbed my face with my palms. I won't let him near me again. I won't let him kiss me again. Not entirely because he could be playing with me, but because I didn't trust myself.

Believe it or not, I wanted to kiss him again. I wanted to feel the warmth again. But I couldn't as I knew I would end up falling for him and would be left broken-hearted. I had been dumped a lot of times before, not anymore. I was waiting for the right and final one for me.

And Sean was a mere crush who had awakened desires inside me. He was not going to be my permanent.

But my inner self had some other feelings, and it spoke up loud and clear, giving me goosebumps of reality. "Somewhere deep down inside you want him to be your permanent."

Why my inner self always jumble me up?

I wanted to let it all out, I wanted to talk about it with someone, but unfortunately, I couldn't do it as well. Sighing, I again began to look for my laptop and then I remembered it was in his study.


What do I do now? I panicked. Ryan had gone outside to play in the garden otherwise I would have asked him to bring me my laptop. I groaned out loud. I had to step out of my room. Shit!

Quietly opening the door of my room I peeked my head out to make sure the path was clear. When I found it clear, I came out of my room. I bent a little then slowly and quietly I tiptoed towards his study, praying not to find him there.

I stood before the door contemplating to knock on it or not. What if he's inside waiting for me?

"So what if you find him there? You are not scared of him, Lauren. Show him who you are." I said to myself and let out a confident breath. "I can do it."

I knocked two times and for the first time I waited for his permission to enter but when I didn't hear his voice in next five seconds I gripped the doorknob and twisted it, but before entering I inserted my head inside and roamed my eyes left to right, looking for his presence but I couldn't see him.

Weird, he wasn't inside. Where he could be? Why should I care?

It was good for me that wasn't there. I needed my laptop and that's what I was going to do. I looked for my laptop but strangely it wasn't there as well. Defeated, I made my way outside. I wanted to work not just for the sake of distraction, it was my responsibility too.

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