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Sean Peterson

"Back at school, Henry's toe was injured too. His...his mom did something to his toe and he was fine. Can you do that to me too, Lauren? I don't want pain."

My hands stopped applying the ice pack on Ryan's toe when I heard him say that as he sobbed. I couldn't help but ponder over the fact that he was suffering; mentally.
Not just his father, he was missing his mother as well. Who wouldn't?

"I'll take all your pain away, buddy. I'm here for you."

And my heart seemed to stop when Lauren mumbled soothing words to Ryan. The pain in her voice, I felt that. She too felt a sense of care for Ryan. There was no doubt that she had grown closer to Ryan in a very short time.

From the outside, she was unquestionably annoying, talkative, and sometimes immature, but from the inside, she was caring.

Probably it was a wise decision to bring her to my home to help me with Ryan. No matter how much trouble she had caused me, she effortlessly managed to gain the trust of people I love—and mine too.

"Let me do it." She grasped my wrist to grab the ice pack from my hand. I passed it over to her without question as I knew Ryan wanted to be comforted by her. I took Ryan from her hold and sat on the couch with him on my lap.

"Don't cry champ." I rubbed his back and she crouched down to treat his toe. My gaze got transfixed on her constricted face. She had her eyes fixed on Ryan's toe as she gently dabbed the pack on it. I saw her wince when Ryan flinched because of the pressure she had applied on his toe. I couldn't help but admire her sense of care.

After almost fifteen minutes, Ryan's sobs died down and he raised his head to look over at Lauren. "It doesn't hurt anymore, Lauren." She raised her head.

"Are you sure?" She asked softly. All of a sudden, Ryan sat straight on my lap and hugged Lauren which made her stumble and she steadied herself by placing her hands on my thighs, making my legs jerk in response. Damn!

"Yes. Thank you, Lauren. You are the best. I love you." He said loudly. I would have been utterly stunned by Ryan's confession if my whole attention hadn't been on Lauren's hands that were pressing my thighs. Numerous nasty thoughts and images spiraled in my mind. I held the urge to groan out loud.

I flicked my eyes from her hands to her face. The pain on her face had vanished and she smiled—no grinned. She pulled herself out of his hold and kissed his cheek. What a lucky boy!

"I love you too, buddy. You are my sunshine." She said as she raised her hands and squeezed his cheeks. I didn't have anything to say I was busy smiling and admiring their cute interaction.

"You know what? As you confessed your love towards me, I'm gonna treat you with chocolate. Wait here, I'll be back." She grinned and made her way to the kitchen.

"Hey, champ. I'll be back too." I settled him on the couch and followed Lauren into the kitchen. Honestly, there was no reason for me to follow her. My legs forced me to do so.

She opened the fridge and took chocolates out and turned, and—I came face to face with her extremely angry yet beautiful face.

I frowned thinking as to what had happened to her. Not even a minute ago she was grinning ear to ear and now she was burning in anger. I stood rooted in my place as I didn't want to burn in the fire of her anger.

Abruptly, she slammed the chocolate bars on the counter, taking me by surprise. "I want to meet Ryan's mother." She snapped.


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