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I am back💙

Lauren Hart

"Miss Hart, in my office. Now."

Mentally throwing colorful profanities at my workaholic jerk of a boss, mighty Sean Peterson, I put the receiver back with a loud thud.

I eyed the intercom which had succeeded to top my list of most hated things in the world. It had gone through my anger a number of times and was on the verge to break into pieces. Poor intercom!

I took a few deep breaths, preparing myself to face the robotic boss of mine, and went to his office. There he was, sitting on his throne, going through some documents.

"Miss Hart, bring me the report of the sale of the car accessories of this month. Ask the accounts department to send me the file of accounts. Schedule my meeting with Mr. Perez for the day after tomorrow. I want you to collect the statistical data of the sale and make a presentation but first, prepare a document brief regarding the meeting I have tonight with Mr. Bill."

"Oh, come on. Take a breath at least." I mumbled to myself. He speaks like it's recorded on his system. He's a robot and thinks of me the same.

Well, hello Mr. Boss, I'm a human. Look I breathe too.

"And have you arranged for my dinner meeting?" He inquired, still not making eye contact with me. He was deeply engrossed in his work.

"Yes, sir."

Yes sir, Sure sir, Okay sir, were the only few words I had left to say. Damn! I was missing my voice. How a talkative person like me could speak only a few words? My mute mode was literally killing me.

"Make sure to complete the document brief before the work hour ends. Now, you can leave."

"Okay, sir."

I left his office and without giving a second glance to anything or anyone I went straight to the bathroom, locked the door, and stood in front of the mirror. I saw my dull face which was in dire need of rest. My face had lost the colors and shine. My smile was slowly turning into a permanent frown. My eyes held permanent irritation. This all because of one person.

"Impeccable, robotic, blue-eyed, handsome, workaholic jerk."

I banged my hands on the counter and groaned. "Ow, I can't even curse him behind his back. He gets back at me in other ways." I almost yelled in annoyance, pressing my palms with each other to lighten the pain.

"Sometimes I feel like revealing his only embarrassing secret that no one knows. Mighty Sean Peterson does not know to knot a tie. I am the one who does it for him. But damn I can't reveal because of the contract he made me signed to keep it a secret." I rambled in irritation.

My eyes landed on my reflection that was mocking me for my fate. Gritting my teeth I glared at my reflection. "Why? Why did you choose to work with this human-machine? He has taken your peace, your social life. Hell, he even took away your voice."

My reflection suddenly glared at me, imitating my moves. "You are asking me? Ask yourself. You were the one who was bouncing when accepted for the job. You opted not to quit the next day when you got tired and irritated on your first day because the pay was huge, respect was huge, and don't forget about the crush you have on your handsome, workaholic jerk of a boss."

I opened my mouth to argue back but nothing came out. I couldn't form words as I knew whatever my reflection said was one hundred percent true.

I had developed an innocent crush on my boss on the very first day of work. His striking blue eyes held me spellbound in our very first meeting. I thought the crush was innocent like I had on every fifth person on the planet but my stupid, traitor heart couldn't stay low around him. It always battled with my ribs to come out of my skin whenever I was around him.

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