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Lauren Hart

"A sibling?"

This startling statement came from Ryan. Apparently, Sean and I decided to disclose the news to Ryan first thing in the morning when he came back from Daniel's place. We wanted him to know it first before others.

"Yep, a sibling!" Sean confirmed. "You want someone to play with you all time, right? A baby will do?"

Confused Ryan blinked as he darted his eyes at me. "A baby? I will get to play with a baby?"

I smiled. "Yep, buddy. A cute little boy like you or a cute little girl like... umm, Amara." I said to explain further, but I didn't know that he would become aggressive and would stomp his feet.

"No!" He shouted. "I don't want to play with anyone like Amara! I don't want a sibling."

Sean and I glanced at each other in utter shock thinking what caused Ryan to act that way. We were concerned yet we were a bit revealed, it's not always Ryan open up to us.

"Why Ryan? Don't you want a baby sister?" I asked politely.

"What issue do you have with Amara?" Sean asked. Ryan lowered his head and began to fidget his fingers. I wondered what exactly was eating him inside?

"Ryan, haven't we told you not to hide anything from us?" I said. He timidly nodded his head while still looking at his feet. I signaled Sean to encourage him to speak but before Sean could do anything, Ryan looked up.

"Because she diverts your attention from me. Whenever she is around she tries to come closer to you. Why can't she understand that you are my parents? I do not want to share you with anyone! That's why I don't want a sibling, you will forget me." He almost shouted at the end and I gasped.

He had been thinking all that all this while? He thought we would sideline him when the baby comes? How could he? I shouldn't be but I was mad, not at him but myself and Sean. We failed to assure him that he could never be replaced, he was someone who brought Sean and me closer.

I immediately crouched down before him and held his shoulders firmly, my gaze a bit sharp yet loving. "Listen to me, Ryan. You are a special and irreplaceable part of our lives. We both love Amara but it doesn't mean we love you any less. No one's entry will ever lessen our love for you, get that?"

Sean too joined me by kneeling beside me. "Ryan, flush the thought out of your mind that we will ever forget you. We can never! You are our son, a blessing to us. Yes, a baby's entry will shift our focus but it doesn't mean you will become less valuable, your value will always remain the same no matter what. You will be loved equally."

"Now, do you have any more objections? Do you still have anything hidden inside your heart?" I asked him as I softly grabbed his chin and made him look into my eyes.

"No." He whispered while shaking his head.

"Are you sure?" Sean asked. "Because if you still have doubts you can clear it right now, we don't want you struggling inside."

"No, dad, I have no doubts," Ryan replied with sincerity.

"Then give your dad a hug." Sean spread his arms wide and Ryan jumped on him. I hugged my boys as well.

"Now what about the baby? You'll love to have a sibling, right?" I asked him.

"Uh, I still don't like Amara because she is annoying, but I would love to have a baby sister. Um, a baby brother would do too. I am not picky."

We both laughed at his cute comment and squeezed him in a bone-crushing hug.


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