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Lauren Hart

The end of the fall season had almost arrived; the breeze blew my hair and rustled the leaves as it passed through them. The chills of the wind were visible on my skin but even the strongest wind couldn't waver the smile I had been wearing for a long time now.

The reason for the unwavering smile was my boys, who wore a matching suit and looked extraordinarily dashing. They were distributing the gifts to the children whilst I admired them doing so.

It had been a week and a half since my injury and now I was fully recovered, only the stubborn marks on my arm still lingered there. And as promised, Sean threw Ryan's welcome party but with a twist. He didn't want a party for the sake of the show-off, he didn't want to include the gossipers and arrogant socialites that do not care about the reason behind throwing the party.

Besides, he wanted Ryan to learn the meaning of sharing and caring. That's why he organized a family gathering at an orphanage where he could teach Ryan the importance of sharing the love with those who rarely or never experienced it.

The gang with the kids was there. Trish and Evan were also invited. Eloise's and Xavier's parents were also invited but Ariana's weren't because she never reconciled with her parents, not because she didn't want to, but because they didn't want to. Anyhow, she had accepted the painful truth of her life. They didn't want to be called her parents, not even in name.

Surprisingly, Sean's parents graced the gathering with their presence. No idea if it was a political agenda or sudden interest in their family but they spared their precious time to spend some time with family— something to be appreciated.

And last but not least, my parents were invited as well. Yep, they were and they came. The most shocking thing for me was the presence of Laura with her boyfriend. Apparently, after my one night stay at home and the talk with my sister, she had decided to give more time to her relationship rather than the family business. Yes, she fought for herself. But she and her boyfriend were learning to give time to their relationship since it was something new to them. They had a long to go. Hope their relationship lasts.

"Lauren, come to the side. I want to have a private talk with you." Mom's voice disturbed my trance. I mentally scoffed and rolled my eyes. Another nonsense talk session.

I excused myself and followed her to the side. She stood in front of me with her hands crossed across her chest, giving me a look that I had been too familiar with; a look of disapproval.

"What is this, Lauren?" She questioned and I raised my eyebrows in question. I mean what's what?

She huffed angrily. "Firstly, you left the well-secured house you had been living in for four years...that too without prior notice."

Ah, that old hag really couldn't shut her mouth.

"And are now your boss's girlfriend? What impression do you think you are giving? People who will get to know about it will think that you did it for money! What will I answer to others?"

My jaw ticked. Could she be happy with what I do at least for once?
"Mom, firstly, I did not...I DID NOT do it for money...of all people, you must know this." I gritted controlling my anger. "And secondly, when do have I cared about what people say about me?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"God, talking to you is such a waste of energy." She complained frustratingly then huffed. "Listen, Lauren, you have been like this and I don't think any amount of scolding would ever give you senses 'cause you never listen! Nothing I say will go inside your head."

Huh! Finally, she admitted that I would never listen to the things I don't want to.

"Listen, what's done is done..." She sighed as she looked into my eyes. "But did you think twice before accepting to be his girlfriend?"

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