Chapter 27

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  It took me a minute to regain myself. I looked down at Sebastian who concentrated on his football game. I quickly stood up and disappeared into my room, I shut the door and calmed my raging nerves.

  "Mom?" I tested, I wasn't sure I heard right.

  "Oh my child, my poor baby." She cried. "Where are you, Allison?" She asked but I couldn't answer. "You know what just stay there and never come back, I just hope you're happy now." She cried harder and I couldn't control my own tears now.

  "Maami, what have I done wrong?" I demanded hotly, I was furious now. I wiped at the pathetic tears and hardened my eyes and stance.

  "You did nothing wrong my baby, you have not wronged me. I was just scared. He threatened to kill you." I knew she was talking about dad. "He said I had two options, he made choose between killing you and staying away from you. My darling, what could I do?" She asked hysterically.

  "You should have told him to kill me," I said, not sorry, "you watched him mistreat me, trust me it was worse than death." I was slowly breaking but this was not the time to get emotional. I still have lots of questions. "You watched me suffer, and you didn't want me to die? I was better off dead."

  "I'm still your mother, after I saw how he treated you I prayed for your death. That didn't make me feel any better. I was helpless. Your sisters, they are not my biological children. He accused me of being unfaithful after your birth." She was getting to me, I sat down on the couch and listened to her sobs racking my body. "I tried to run away with you but I failed everytime and he hurt me everytime. He forced himself on me, and hit me and worst of all he made me watch you suffer. My baby, please forgive me. Don't come back home, no matter what happens." She insisted.

  "Mom," I croaked, "are you okay?" I couldn't help it.

  "I'm fine," she was going to say something but she screamed. Shuffling and she was off the line.

  "Mom, mom." But she was gone. I crawled into bed and drew the covers to my chin. I wept and wept for a long time. She loved me, she fought for me. I couldn't accuse her of not fighting hard because I didn't myself. Maybe I got my cowardice from her, but if I had to choose too, I would never want to see my baby die in front of me. She suffered because she gave birth to me. I suffered because I was the child. I was the root cause of all her problems. I let out a heart wrenching cry, my chest tightened at the pain of it all, I placed my hand over my heart and cried.

  "Allison? Baby," Sebastian busted into the room. I scooted back from him and his face twisted into a hurt expression.

  "Don't touch me." I shouted. He didn't deserve my anger. "Don't touch me," I repeated more lower this time. He tried to come close again but I scooted away again. I wasn't scared of him, not this time, I just needed time alone. He was going to say everything will be okay but I didn't see it coming anytime soon. He placed his hands in his hips and waited.

  "Allison please," he said calmly after some time.

  "Sebastian," I flung the covers and lunged forward to throw myself at him. He caught me in time and crushed me to him. "He's going to hurt mom." I told him frantically. "Mom has suffered a lot."

  He didn't ask me who, because he knew who. His arms just tightened around me as he whispered soothing words in my ear. "We're going to get her out of there." He promised. "Soon, we'll get her out of there."

  I knew he wouldn't lie to me about something like that. "Oh Sebastian," I cried into his shoulder, "thank you so much." He just rubbed my back without another word.

  I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier. It was already late and I was ready for bed. I forced myself to wear bunny pyjamas and to make matters worse, it was a onesie. Seb had invited me to stay in his room for the night, I jumped on the offer without another thought. I didn't think it through. He laughed at my onesie too saying I looked like a Christmas elf. Maybe my pyjamas has long ears and a bunny tail. I told him off, saying I was a bunny not an elf. He thought it looked cute too.

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