Chapter 17

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Sebastian's POV

Fuck it. Just fuck it. I fucked up, okay? But what the fuck? I ran a hand through my hair. I was beyond furious. With myself, with Shayo. With Vee, with Allison. And everyone else. I kicked the hard table and winced, closing my eyes in pain. Fuck, that hurt.

Maybe Allison was an exception. The hurt in her eyes broke me. I felt like a dick, each time I remembered the look in her eyes. I should have just brought her with me instead of leaving with no fucking choice but stay with that dickhead. I snorted.

I was fully aware that I fucked up big, but I couldn't bear the thought of her staying away from me. I contemplated picking my car key and getting her to come with me at all costs but it wouldn't make me any better than I already was. Instead, I was adding fuel to the fire.

The fear that gripped my heart when I didn't find her at her normal spot where I normally pick her up was indescribable. I didn't fight anyone, I punched the wall and fractured my wrist in the process, it was easier lying to her although it was hard. The pain in her eyes when she saw my wrists made my heart clench.

A gentle rap on my door and I groaned. It was Vee. It can't be anyone else.

"Seb?" She asked as if unsure.

"What's up?" I said to her, averting my gaze.

"Would you like to hang out?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. When did she start asking that? Vee never asked questions, she always did what she wanted.

"Nope," I said as politely as I could muster. She looked a bit hurt but was unrelenting.


"No. Can you please leave me alone for a while?"

"Is this about her?" She didn't need to mention her name, the contempt in her voice made me realize how much she doesn't like Allison.

"What do you mean?" I asked, boiling with rage. I didn't peg Veronica as the stupid type, a little childish yes, but not plain stupid.

"I mean, you've barely said anything to me since she hasn't been around. You are not yourself Seb. Why are you worked up over that girl? I don't get it."

"Because it's my fault. All this is my fault." I groaned, I was not in the mood to deal with her, not now.

"Go on," she pressed.

"I don't want to talk about it. Now, please let me be." She left.

Now I missed her much more than before. I picked up my phone and dialed her. She didn't pick up. And many times after that. I tried again ready to give up but then she surprised me by picking up.

"Allison?" I breathed. Then I cleared my throat when I realised how desperate that must have sounded to her ears. She chuckled a little. Last night, she was drunk.

"Are you hung over?" I asked carefully.

"No, I was a bit drunk last night."

"I wouldn't say a bit. But yeah."

"Did you get your wrists checked?" She asked, trying to sound nonchalant as possible.

"Yes, I did." I stared at the hand I placed on my lap. It was neatly bandaged now.


"How are you?" I asked, trying not to ruin the little peace we've had since Friday.

"I'm alright. I take it that you're doing well also?"

I nodded slowly then I realised that she couldn't see me so I murmured a low yes. We stayed silent after that, it wasn't awkward but it was filled with tension instead.

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